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Main Elementary Educator Katie Farrar Featured in Page One Magazine

This Main Elementary School kindergarten teacher made the front page of Page One Magazine. She is also featured in the pages for receiving a grant from their organization over the summer and was able to purchase some items for her virtual classroom.

Ms. Katie Farrar is famous!

Pro Roof GA

This Main Elementary School kindergarten teacher made the front page of Page One Magazine. She is also featured in the pages for receiving a grant from their organization over the summer and was able to purchase some items for her virtual classroom.

The Professional Association of Georgia Educators is the state’s largest education association. Serving more than 97,000 educators, administrators and school personnel, PAGE fosters exceptional levels of professionalism in the classroom and within administrative ranks.

“I received an email over the summer offering a grant from the PAGE (Professional Organization of Georgia Educators) organization,” said Farrar. “So, I wrote the grant and asked for distance learning supplies I could use from home. It was really difficult last March to try and teach my class from home, so when I was awarded the grant, I received a white board, a ring light, and some of the same teaching tools we have here at our school.”

Because of the uncertainty of the next school year, Farrar wanted to be sure she was prepared to provide the best education possible to her students, even if virtual learning was the only option.

“They asked us to take photos of our supplies and submit them to the magazine. I did not know my picture would be published inside the magazine and on the cover,” Farrar said with a humble smile. “It didn’t take me long to figure it out because I saw my photo as soon as I opened my mailbox.

“PAGE is a huge support for teachers,” she added. “They keep us informed about legislation in our state, give important health and safety information and other things we need to know to enhance education and keep our kids safe.”

In addition to unmatched legislative advocacy and legal protection, PAGE also provides professional learning to enhance competence and confidence, build leadership and increase student achievement.

Congratulations, Ms. Farrar!!! We are so proud of how you represent your school and the RCS system.

Go Wolves!!

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