Camden Opinions
/ 5 years agoCOLUMN: The District Attorney’s Office That’s Prosecuting Cops for Noncriminal Offenses
OPINION: Jessica Szilagyi says one district attorney's office is manipulating the law to prosecute police officers for acts that aren't criminal....
Georgia Opinions
/ 5 years agoCOLUMN: If Your Candidate Is Any Good, Make Them Compete
OPINION: Jessica Szilagyi talks about the importance of ballot access and allowing candidates who seek office outside the two party platforms...
Georgia Opinions
/ 5 years agoFAITH COLUMN: Grief Blueprints
Pastor Woody Jarrett talks about grief in his latest faith column -->
Georgia Opinions
/ 5 years agoCOLUMN: Sales Tax Loophole Legislation Sends a Message
OPINION: The passing of this legislation sends a message that bi-partisan political efforts to create a fairer economic playing field are...
Camden Local Spotlight
/ 5 years agoLIGON: Update from the Capitol: Week 5
Senator William Ligon talks about Week 5 of the legislative session -->
Georgia Opinions
/ 5 years agoCOLUMN: You Embolden Your Elected Officials to Act Poorly
OPINION: Jessica Szilagyi talks about how our behavior toward elected officials fosters the environment for them to abuse their power and...
Camden Opinions
/ 5 years agoSENATOR LIGON: Update from the Capitol: Week 4
Over the next few weeks, the legislature will work on taking the Governor’s budget recommendations and the requested funding needs for...
Georgia Opinions
/ 5 years agoOp Ed: Banning Fentanyl Analogues Is Good Policy For Communities Suffering From The Opioid Crisis
OPINION: "This law is critical to ensuring that law enforcement around the country have the tools they need to fight the...
Georgia Opinions
/ 5 years agoLIGON: Update from the Capitol: Week 3
Senator William Ligon talks about week 3 down at the state Capitol.
Georgia Opinions
/ 5 years agoCOLUMN: What School Choice Means to Me
OPINION: "Years of studies show that educational standards and test scores improve in districts that have broader school options."