Georgia Politics
/ 7 years agoPerdue Family Says VP Pence Will Visit Georgia Again Before Election
Vice President Mike Pence will visit Georgia again ahead of the November election, according to two high-ranking Georgia politicains - Sonny...
Georgia Politics
/ 7 years agoWATCH: Brian Kemp Releases First TV Ad of General Election
Republican gubernatorial candidate Brian Kemp has released his first television advertisement of the general election – an ad the campaign titled...
Georgia Politics
/ 7 years agoVIDEO: Gov Deal meets with President Trump, other governors on criminal justice reform
“Smart on crime is not the same as soft on crime, which our results bear out,” said Deal.
Georgia Politics
/ 7 years agoGa Democrats Release Ad Attributing RGA Ad to Kemp Campaign, Refute ‘Taxes Owed’ Claims
The ad shows an image of an ad run by and paid for by the Republican Governor's Association, which can be...
Georgia Politics
/ 7 years agoGeorgia State AFL-CIO Make Endorsements for Statewide, Federal Offices
The organization endorsed Abrams in October of 2017, but released the additional endorsements last week.
Georgia Politics
/ 7 years agoWATCH: Democrats Release First TV Ad of General Election, Focus on Candidates
Here's the ad the Democrats are running in Atlanta media markets. Coming soon to Augusta, Savannah, and Macon.
Georgia Politics
/ 7 years agoShafer concedes Georgia GOP Lt. Governor’s race, won’t seek recount
After the completion of the provisional ballot counting process in the GOP race for Lieutenant Governor, Senator David Shafer has conceded.
Georgia Politics
/ 7 years agoANALYSIS: Kemp Claimed 157 of 159 Counties, Cagle Decline Started with Deal Endorsement
Where did Kemp perform best? Which counties were the strongest and how many did Cagle win?
Georgia Politics
/ 7 years agoState Representative Jason Spencer Resigns After Fallout from ‘Who Is America’ Episode
State Representative Jason Spencer, the Woodbine Republican who made national headlines this week for appearing on SHOwtime’s “Who is America?” has...
Georgia Opinions
/ 7 years agoLG Runoff Race: Dark Money from Federal Swamp Spreading Lies About David Shafer
For about the last two weeks, not a day went by that I didn't get some postcard mailer slamming my friend...