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Glynn Schools

13 Glynn County schools ‘beat the odds’ in student achievement

. “Beating the Odds” is a statistical analysis that compares a school’s actual performance on the College and Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI) with the performance of schools with similar characteristics from around the state.

According to the Governor’s Office of Student Achievement, thirteen schools in Glynn County are “Beating the Odds”. “Beating the Odds” is a statistical analysis that compares a school’s actual performance on the College and Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI) with the performance of schools with similar characteristics from around the state.

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While approximately 31 percent of schools around the state “Beat the Odds” for 2018-2019, Glynn County realized a much higher percentage with 81 percent of schools in the district being named to this notable list. Schools in this category include Altama Elementary, Burroughs-Molette Elementary, Golden Isles Elementary, Goodyear Elementary, Greer Elementary, Oglethorpe Point Elementary, Satilla Marsh Elementary, St. Simons Elementary, Sterling Elementary, Glynn Middle, Jane Macon Middle, Brunswick High and Glynn Academy.

“To have 13 of our 16 schools ‘Beating the Odds’ is a remarkable indication that we are doing the right work day in and day out.  Along with the incredible support of our Board, we are a premier school system because of the hard work of our students, teachers, staff, administrators and the support of our wonderful community,” said Superintendent Dr. Virgil Cole.

In Georgia, 40 percent of schools were considered “Within Expected Range.” This includes Glyndale Elementary and Risley Middle.

The results of “Beating the Odds” are used for accountability in charter school, charter system, and Strategic Waivers School System (SWSS) contracts.  For more information on how it is used in SWSS accountability, click here.

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