There will be a special called meeting on Monday 05/03/21 at 5:30 at Summerville City Hall. The meeting will also be available to attend as a virtual meeting that can be joined by telephone or by computer/smart phone.
Zoom meetings notes for participants: You may join via computer, smart phone, and telephone. Participants will be muted by upon joining the meeting, and will be given opportunity to speak in sections of the meeting for public comments and questions.
Meeting ID: 853 6642 3659
Password: 859126
To join by computer or smart phone:
To join by telephone:
Call 1-646-876-9923 and enter the meeting ID and password when prompted
Regular Called Meeting and Teleconference Meeting
May 3, 2021
5:30 P.M.
(1) Call to order
(2) Roll Call
(3) Invocation
(4) Pledge of Allegiance
(5) Approval of Meeting Agenda
(6) Consent Agenda
A. Mayor’s Comments – Harry Harvey
i. Announcements/Comments
ii. Introduction of guest/visitors
(7) Reports and Presentations
▪ City Attorney – Albert Palmour
∙ Comments
▪ City Manager – Janice Galloway
∙ Comments
(8) New Business
a. Approve Payment to Georgia Fire & Rescue Supply in the amount of $6,432.90 to be paid from the Tillotson Grant for a master stream device, fire hose, and piston intake valve for the Summerville Fire Department (see attachment):
i. Discussion
ii. Action
b. Approve relocating the Dough Boy Statue from the Chattooga County Memorial Home to the Veteran’s Memorial Park, located in Dowdy Park (see attachment):
i. Discussion
ii. Action
c. Authorize the City Manager to sign the Indication of Roundabout Support between the City of Summerville and the Georgia Department of Transportation (see attachment):
i. Discussion
ii. Action
d. Authorize City Manager and IT Administrator/Purchasing Agent to apply for Broadband Ready Community Designation through Georgia Department of Community Affairs (DCA):
i. Discussion
ii. Action
e. Authorize the City Manager to move $186,479.62 from the operating account to the restricted fund to bring the balance to $1,000,000 :
i. Discussion
ii. Action
f. Executive Session- Litigation and land acquisition:
i. Discussion
ii. Action
(9) Public Comments
(10) Adjournment