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MAP MONDAY: Most Overweight & Obese States in America

Would you be surprised to learn that the Peach State falls in the Top 20 for Most Obese & Overweight States?
The details and more in this week’s #MapMonday.

Are there trends for health, fitness, and obesity in different regions of the United States? Which states show the greatest consequences for those who are overweight and obese? Which states have the highest prevalence of overweight and/or obese persons?

Pro Roof GA

Personal financial website WalletHub recently examined all fifty states and the District of Columbia across three key dimensions: 1) Obesity & Overweight Prevalence, 2) Health Consequences and 3) Food & Fitness on 31 relevant metrics ranging from adult and childhood obesity and access to health food to projected diabetes and cholesterol numbers and school nutrition. WalletHub gathered this data from a number of sources, including the U.S. Census Bureau, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, and the Economic Research Service of the United States Department of Agriculture.

The findings showed a number things, including that the Peach State doesn’t fare too well. We take a look in this week’s Map Monday.

Source: WalletHub
20 Most Overweight & Obese States
1. West Virginia 11. Iowa
2. Mississippi 12. Indiana
3. Arkansas 13. Delaware
4. Kentucky 14. Ohio
5. Tennessee 15. Texas
6. South Carolina 16. Maine
7. Louisiana 17. Georgia
8. Alabama 18. Virginia
9. Oklahoma 19. Kansas
10. Missouri 20. North Dakota

Ranking No. 17, Georgia pulled in a ranking of 15 on the ‘Obesity & Overweight Prevalence’ rank, a 36 on the Health Consequences Rank, and a 10 on the Food & Fitness Rank. Georgia’s overall score was 59.78 out of 100, with the highest ranking state for obesity – West Virginia – scoring a 74.66. (The lower the score, the better)

Story continues below.

You can review the entire study and methodology here.

WalletHub also offered the following statistics:

  • $294.6 Billion: Estimated medical cost of diabetes in the U.S. in 2019.
  • $9,506: Average annual diabetes-related health care costs for patients.
  • 2.3: Number of times by which a diabetes patient’s health care costs increase.
  • 14 & 18 Years: Reduction in the average male and female type 1 diabetes patient’s life expectancy, respectively.
  • 88 million: American adults have “prediabetes” (84% of them don’t know they have it).
  • 70%: Chances of developing diabetes if both your parents have type 2 diabetes.




    November 24, 2020 at 10:50 pm

    What could be expected when people are not allowed to live freely or work? CV-19 has made most of the population dependent on the government (as well as what we eat and our depressed eating habits). CV-19 has been the plan fulfillment of Globalist Elites and the U.N. Agenda 21/Agenda 2030/Sustainable Development for decades. GA. & USA Citizens have long been called “USELESS EATERS” by the Globalist Elite.

  2. Unabis

    December 15, 2020 at 12:10 pm

    Ugh, this is so sad…we all need to step up and fight obesity. It’s not ok that kids are going to have shorter lifespans than their parents did. Food corporations are basically drug companies at this point with all the ish they put in their food to make people addicted to it. It’s everywhere, and the way people profit from this is basically murder at this point.
    And if you interested in this topic, Check out Dr. Joel Fuhrman’s book, “Fast Food Genocide.” It’s not just about fast-food restaurants, but about the packaged, frozen, processed, etc.

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