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Chattooga Schools

Mountain Ed to hold Ribbon Cutting

The alternative high school offers evening classes for any Georgia student, four evenings a week, who are not able to attend regular high school classes. 

Mountain Education School officially opened in Chattooga County on November 4th and will hold an Open House and Ribbon Cutting on Monday, November 18 at 5:00 p.m.

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The alternative high school offers evening classes for any Georgia student, four evenings a week, who are not able to attend regular high school classes.  While the school location is in Chattooga County, the school can serve students from anywhere in the state of Georgia. Site administrator, Mike Martin said, “as long as they have a car or can get here, they can attend school here.” Martin said several students from Walker County are already attending the Chattooga Campus.

MECHS is an evening, self-paced, public, high school that grants regular Georgia High School Diplomas.

In addition to the full-time students, they serve a population of students who take a class or classes part time and transfer the completed credit(s) back to the high school in which they are enrolled full time.

Mountain Education Charter has sixteen schools throughout Georgia, servicing 9th-12th graders throughout North Georgia.

4-day school week 

Classes are held in the afternoon and evening, Monday-Thursday, from 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

“The kids have a long weekend, every weekend,” said Sydney Sanford, Public Information Officer for Mountain Education Charter.

Mountain Ed has been around for 27 years and from the beginning has operated on a 4-day week according to Sanford.

“5-day vs 4-day, four just sounds better, we try to work around the students work schedules,” continued Sanford.

Still Accepting Students:

Although the school has officially started, Martin says students may still register. Students interested in registering should visit the location of the school at the Chattooga Education Center (the old Summerville Elementary School) on Penn Street in Summerville Monday – Thursday from 10 a.m. – 9 p.m.  Students can talk with administrators and ask any questions they may have about registering.  Students wishing to register should provide a current residence, current transcript and other documents normally needed for school registration.

The curriculum is self-paced and mastery based, meaning that students progress through the course at their own pace, taking as much or as little time to satisfactorily complete the various course modules as is needed. As a result, no failing grades are given. Students work until they pass.

Credit recovery is available for students who have failed a course at their regular daytime school. Making up failed courses permits students to stay on academic track and graduate with their class. Students may also complete courses they are not able to fit into their schedule at their regular school. New courses require seat time equal to the referring school.


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Casie Bryant is the NW Georgia Regional Manager for AllOnGeorgia.

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