If students in Chattooga County choose the virtual learning option this fall, the district says they will be able to participate in extracurricular activities: sports, band, clubs, etc.
According to Superintendent Hosmer, so far about 300 students have completed the survey asking for online learning. This number represents about 10% of the total student population. “We will allow Chattooga County virtual learners to participate in all extracurricular activities,” Hosmer said.
Hosmer went on to explain the policy the school district will follow for virtual learners who play sports.
“This is the policy we will follow for sports: As digital (virtual learning) has recently become a hot topic of discussion as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, I just wanted to share the GHSA by-law addressing eligibility in regard to student-athletes choosing to learn digitally. The following excerpt is taken from page 15 of the 2020-2021 GHSA Constitution and By-Laws. Following then excerpt, a link to the entire Constitution can be accessed.
(d) All or part of the course load of a student may be taken online through a virtual school as long as the student’s grades are being kept at the school in which the student is enrolled. Grades from virtual school courses must be on file at the school by the first day of the new semester for the student to be eligible.”
While other surrounding county systems have pushed back the start of fall classes, Hosmer says the plan for Chattooga Schools is for teachers to report July 28th and students on July 30th.
“It is our goal to return to school with enhanced cleaning measures with social distance guidelines being following. We are encouraging teachers and students to wear face masks/coverings as recommended by the DPH. Everyone’s safety and health is our top priority,” said Hosmer.