The Chattooga County Schools SAT district mean score of 965 for the class of 2020 fell short of the state mean score of 1043 (ERW 532, M 511) and the national mean score of 1030 (ERW 520, M 510). Chattooga County had 40 students take the test.
“I extracted our juniors and seniors to look at the scores in subsets. Our seniors, 30 tested, did fall short of the state mean score of 1043; their mean score was 965 (ERW 507, M 458). However, our juniors 10 tested outperformed the state average by 2 points and the national average by 15 points with a mean score of 1045 (ERW 533, M 512). While the district score is not where we would like for it to be, we are proud of all our students who took the SAT. We are thankful for the work of our teachers and the support of our parents as students took this first step towards higher education,” said Chief Academic Officer Michelle Helie.
The SAT, the most commonly recognized measure of achievement for high school students, measures critical reading and mathematics abilities. It includes two 800-point sections: Evidence-Based Reading & Writing (ERW) and Mathematics, with a possible total score of 1600; a third section, a writing exam, is optional.
“We are hopeful about the future and our students’ performance on the SAT as we put some SAT preparation and practice sessions into place for them. We recognize the need to offer more practice and preparation outside of the classroom. Currently, we offer ACT preparation courses (once in the fall and once in the spring) for students and will implement something similar for our students who want to prepare for the SAT. Chattooga County Schools historically has more students who take the ACT over the SAT, some take both, but we usually see double the number of ACT test-takers than SAT,” said Helie.
ACT scores are expected to be released next month.
The preparation classes will be provided as 1/2 days a few Saturdays during the 2021 spring semester or during the first week of the summer break. The school system will announce the plans once they are finalized.