Chattooga High School has just over 2% of its total population with a positive COVID test result, all schools in the district will be closed on Jan. 8, 2021 for a deep cleaning. Monday, January 11, 2021 Chattooga High School will operate on Hybrid Plan 1; students will be virtual for Chattooga High School Monday and in-person Tuesday – Friday.
As of 3:30 this afternoon Chattooga High School has just over 2% of its total population with a positive COVID test result and the district has seen an increasing trend in positive numbers this week. As you know, our COVID plan states that we will enact our “Hybrid Plan 1” when we reach 2% at any given school. Because the school reached 2% on Thursday, and the increasing numbers across the district, we will use tomorrow (1-8-2021) as a deep cleaning day across the district. Please do not send your students to school tomorrow(1-8-2021), it will be a virtual day. Monday, January 11, 2021 Chattooga High School will operate on Hybrid Plan 1; students will be virtual for Chattooga High School Monday and in-person Tuesday – Friday (see attached plan). All other schools will attend in-person Monday – Friday (January 11th – 15th).
Students who do not have access to complete work through distance learning tomorrow, Friday, January 8, 2021 will be allowed to make up work when they return to school.
“We appreciate your support as we work to keep everyone safe and healthy. We ask that you continue to report to your home school anyone who has been tested, having symptoms, or is positive,” Superintendent Hosmer said.