AUGUST 20, 2020
Chattooga County Board
Office of the Superintendent
Agenda for Board Meeting
• Adoption of Superintendent’s Recommended Agenda for August 20, 2020 School
Board Regular Session Meeting.
• Approve Minutes of Previous Meetings
– July 16, 2020 Work Session Meeting
– July 16, 2020 Regular Session Meeting
• Public Participation: NONE
A. Resolutions: NONE
B. School Board Members: NONE
C. School Board Policies: NONE
D. Financial Management
1. Board consideration of Superintendent’s recommendation for approval of Financial
Statement for June 30, 2020.
2. Board consideration of Superintendent’s recommendation for approval of Financial
Statement for July 31, 2020.
3. Board consideration of Superintendent’s recommendation to adopt the FY21
Proposed Budgets.
4. Board consideration of Superintendent’s recommendation to roll back Millage Rate
from 12.595 to 12.404.
E. Educational Programs, Student Support and Staff Development
1. Board consideration of Superintendent’s recommendation to approve the FY21
CTAE (Career, Technical and Agricultural Education) and Perkins Local Plan.
F. Support Services/Facilities and Construction Management/Planning
1. Board consideration of Superintendent’s recommendation to spend $10,159.36 from
the SPLOST account, for athletic training equipment, to be used by our new Athletic
Trainer, to support Chattooga County School District athletes.
G. Personnel
1. Board consideration of Superintendent’s recommendation for approval of the
following personnel changes:
Certified Recommendation
-Kevin Muskett; 49% System-wide Truancy Officer and Special Education Teacher
at Crossroads Academy; Replacing Kathy Kerce and Chattooga High School Special
Education Teachers who travel to Crossroads Academy daily.
Certified Resignations
-Elizabeth Jarrett; Middle Grades Teacher at Menlo Elementary School; Personal
Reasons; Effective 07/24/2020.
-Brittney Paschal; Teacher at Leroy Massey Elementary School; Received job offer
closer to her home; Effective 07/31/2020.
-Zachary Thompson; Teacher at Summerville Middle School; Personal Reasons;
Effective 07/31/2020.
Certified Transfer
-Bobbette Rokus; From Teacher at Leroy Massey Elementary School to Middle
Grades Teacher at Menlo Elementary School; Replacing Elizabeth Jarrett; Beginning
-Lisa Duke; Certified Substitute Teacher; Effective 07/30/2020.
-Karly Evett; Certified Substitute Teacher; Effective 07/30/2020.
-Lucas Hill; Certified Substitute Teacher; Effective 07/30/2020.
-Mark Pickle; Certified Substitute Teacher; Effective 07/30/2020.
-Loretta Pierce; Certified Substitute Teacher; Effective 07/30/2020.
-Sydney Smith; Substitute School Nurse; Effective 08/10/2020.
2. Board consideration of Superintendent’s recommendation for approval of 2020-21
Salary Handbook change on page 15 (addition of the Certified Nursing Assistant
pay scale).
3. Board consideration of Superintendent’s recommendation to approve the following
revised and/or additional Job Descriptions:
-Approval requested for the revision of the Assistant Superintendent/Student Services
& Federal Programs Director job description.
-Approval requested for the revision of the Social Worker job description.
-Approval requested for the adoption of the Chief Academic Officer job description.
-Approval requested for the adoption of the Truancy Officer job description.
H. Superintendent of School
1. Board consideration of Superintendent’s recommendation for approval of Outline of
Board Activities for the 2020-2021 school year.
-Superintendent’s “For Information Only” Items