6:00 am on Saturday, December 24
The Tennessee Valley Association has issued a directive to all distributors across its seven state service area to begin mandatory rolling blackouts. The rolling blackouts will impact members for approximately 15 minutes before power is restored.
Until the TVA mandatory directive is lifted, members may experience power interruptions for approximately 15 minutes on an hourly basis.
All local power distributors, including NGEMC, are required to comply with the TVA order to ensure the grid is stabilized.
The TVA directive is the result of a loss in generation assets and the high demand in the southeastern 7-state region.
We apologize for the inconvenience to our members.
Your household can assist in reducing the system load which has triggered the rolling black outs by taking the following steps.
Lower your thermostat by 2 degrees.
Turn off and unplug unnecessary appliances and electronics.
Delay using large appliances and electronics.
As your neighbors, we understand the many challenges you face when your electricity is interrupted. We appreciate your patience while we are subject to this TVA directive