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Trion residents to Spring Clean or face fines

The Town of Trion recently announced a “Spring Cleaning Blitz” to help clean and beautify the community.

The Town of Trion recently announced a Spring Cleaning Blitzto help clean and beautify the community.

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The Trion Police and Code Enforcement along with Chattooga County Animal Control will soon be visiting every neighborhood. They are challenging Trion residents to beat them to the Blitzby voluntarily cleaning up your property. Officials say help from all parts of the community is needed to achieve their goals, which are:

1. Animals properly cared for and housed in proper pens, not running loose or tethered because of the great number of dogs that we have running at large. We will be very aggressive in enforcing penalties and fines.

2. Front porches and yards are to be clean and free of used appliances and other debris. Proper 33-gallon garbage containers should be being used, as well.

3. Junk vehicles are to be removed as well as other types of scrap material and debris.

“It is our hope that you will take pride in your neighborhoods and do your part. This letter will be considered a warning, when we come around there will be tickets issued for noncompliance. First violations start at $100 per violation per day. We would strongly encourage you to take action before Enforcement Action has to be taken,” Police Chief David Gilleland. 


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Casie Bryant is the NW Georgia Regional Manager for AllOnGeorgia.

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