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GDOT Seeks Feedback on Proposed Summerville Bypass

Georgia DOT has proposed a localized bypass of the City of Summerville along the southwest side of town with roundabouts proposed at SR 114, SR100 and SR 1/US 27. An opportunity to comment will be available online until January 4, 2021.

The Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) is seeking feedback about a proposed solution to alleviate congestion along the SR 1/US 27 corridor by shifting through traffic away from downtown Summerville, as well as to better accommodate current and future demand due to the route’s inclusion as part of the state’s Freight Corridor Network in Chattooga County, Georgia.

Why is this Project Proposed?

Georgia Auto Brokers

This project is proposed to relieve congestion, improve operations, and reduce crash rates along the SR 1/US 27 corridor.

Estimated Project Costs
Project Phase Amount Fiscal Year
Preliminary Engineering $5,737,558.66 2020
Right of Way $12,765,000.00 2023
Construction $18,478,805.96 2024
Utilities $462,000.00 2024
Total $37,353,364.62
NOTE: Cost is an estimate and is updated as the project progresses.


Summerville SW Bypass
Project ID: 621082-
Project Manager: Gretel Sheree Sims
Office: Program Delivery
County: Chattooga
Congressional District: 014
State Senate District: 053
State House District: 012
Project Type: Reconstruction/Rehabilitation
Project Status: Construction Work Program
Right of Way Authorization: 02/04/2021

Project Documents

Preconstruction Status Report

Project Layout

Level of Service (LOS) Infographic

Right of Way Information

Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 Information

GDOT Stormwater Management Program

Project Details: 

In order to reduce crashes and improve traffic flow, GDOT proposes to construct a new location localized bypass of the City of Summerville. The project would begin just west of the existing SR 1/US27 Chattooga River crossing and traverses in a westerly direction along the southwest side of Summerville. The bypass would have a bridge over Town Branch. Roundabouts would be constructed at the proposed intersections of the bypass with SR 114, SR 100 and SR 1/US27. The bypass would provide a single 12’ lane in each direction with rural shoulders east of SR 100 and curb and gutter west of the roundabout at SR 100. The western terminus of the bypass would tie into SR 48 near Hunt Street. Driveway access would be maintained to adjacent residences and businesses throughout the duration of construction.

Current conditions along the SR 1/US 27 corridor:

  • The two-lane, 0.8-mile section of SR 1/US 27 in downtown Summerville between Edmondson Drive and SR 48 has significant traffic volumes and intersects with 11 local streets, two state highway corridors (SR 48 and SR 100/114), and one railroad crossing.
  • Traffic operates at a Level of Service (LOS) E along this corridor. An LOS E indicates that traffic volumes are at capacity for the corridor and road users experience significant delays due to congestion. For more information on Level of Service (LOS) ratings, click here.
  • Crash rates along SR 1/US 27 in downtown Summerville exceed Georgia’s average for this type of road.

Without this project (No Build):

  • Traffic would continue to operate at a less than ideal Level of Service.
  • Crash rates along this corridor would continue to be above the state average.

Benefits of Project Implementation:

  • Would remove traffic from SR 1/US 27 near downtown Summerville, including drivers wishing to access SR 48.
  • Project proposes to add roundabouts at three locations along the corridor at SR 1/US 27, SR 114, and SR 100; studies have shown roundabouts reduce crashes and improve operations by eliminating conflict points and reduce delay when compared to a signalized intersection. For more information on the benefits of roundabouts, click here.
  • Would add sidewalks and provide additional safety enhancements for pedestrians.

How Can You Assist: Please provide feedback about our proposed solution and detours as well as information about any resources important to you or to the community. Are there events that future construction may affect once it begins?

Where is this project in the process?  This project is currently in the concept phase. The concept phase defines the existing issue seeking to be resolved along with a proposed solution that will meet the community’s needs.

What are the Next Steps? After the comment period closes, feedback will be assessed, revisions may occur to the proposed plan initially brought to the public or the no build alternative will be selected. Once a Concept Report is approved, the project alignment would be refined. If major changes occur to what was previously shown to the community, additional public outreach would occur. If no major changes are proposed, the project would advance to right-of-way acquisition and into final design. After all right-of-way acquisition occurs, project design is finalized, and the project would advance to construction.

We Want Your Feedback.

  1. PI #621082-: Your comments are important to us!We invite you to leave feedback on the proposed project until January 4, 2021. All comments will be considered as we develop the plans, and a response will be posted to this site approximately 30 days after the close of the comment period.
  2. Leave Comment

Information from GDOT

South Summerville Baptist


  1. RoxAnn Palmer

    December 15, 2020 at 5:03 pm

    Are y’all taking our houses on Montgomery St and putting g us out in the streets for this bypass. We know y’all have been measuring our street and leaving markers. We have a right to know what is happening. We don’t want to lose our homes, we have lived here for years.

  2. Kimberly Collins

    December 15, 2020 at 6:14 pm

    If this is what the GDOT has proposed. This bypass will run right through the middle of my street and my home. I have spoke with many people neighborhood and they have many concerns and questions. We feel that some form of communication about this should have been forthcoming before now. The maps printed in our local newspaper are not legible and for some
    people they don’t understand what they are looking at. Some asked should they be talking to lawyers or can our county officials at least touch bases with some of the people this bypass would effect. They’re scared they are losing their homes. If this was you, wouldn’t you be.

  3. Gary Rape

    December 16, 2020 at 5:33 am

    By pass is fine but if you put roundabouts in chattooga county ,wrecks will double here. These people can’t drive on a straight road, as a local wrecker operator I know lol.

  4. Billy Wehunt

    January 2, 2021 at 4:52 pm

    I agree on the roundabout being useless. First place they are not built like they are supposed to be. Should be a 2 lane around not one. Is their a consideration of a bypass come from the north. It seems they are more traffic that way. I’m just glad to see some of our taxes being put to use. Thank God the state is over this and not the city or county.

  5. Hanry

    January 17, 2021 at 11:46 am

    Thnak You !! Great Article

  6. Hanry

    January 17, 2021 at 11:48 am

    Thank You !! Great Article

  7. Patricia Matney

    November 7, 2021 at 12:12 pm

    I rent a house from David Fletcher at 506 hwy 48 right next to hunt street will they be buying David Fletchers house when they start work on the bypass in hwy 48 if they buy David Fletchers house I need to know 2-3 months ahead of time and when will they start working on hwy 48 for the bypass thanks

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