The Summerville City Council meeting will start at 5:00 PM, on July 13, 2020.
To join the meeting, there are two options:
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Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87640033755?pwd=b0E3MFllZTBmTHg5eXpRemtYblhxZz09
Zoom Webinar ID: 876 4003 3755
Zoom Password: 136339
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Call: +1 646 876 9923 (long distance rates may apply, US based number)
Provide the below meeting ID when prompted:
Meeting ID: 876 4003 3755
This will enable you to hear audio, and have your audio heard during the comment portion prior to the meeting.
City of Summerville
P.O. Box 180
Summerville, GA 30747
Harry Harvey, Mayor Kristy L Dennis, Seat 3
David Ford, Seat 1 Joe Money, Jr., Seat 4
Dana W Mosley Seat 2 Zachary Martin, Seat 5
Regular Called Meeting
July 13, 2020
5:00 P.M.
A. Mayor’s Comments – Harry Harvey
(7) Reports and Presentations
(8) Old Business
a. Open Request for Proposals for servicing of city fire
i. Discussion
ii. Action
(9) New Business
a. Approve minutes:
i. Discussion
ii. Action
b. Presentation form Chris Cates from Inman Solar concerning
the City of Summerville property located in the industrial
park. A Georgia Power Solar Initiative:
i. Discussion
ii. Action
c. Authorize the city to apply for the ARC Grant up to $600,000
for water transmission lines and approve GEFA as the basic
i. Discussion
ii. Action
d. Approve Allen Smith Consulting to write the ARC Grant,
pursuant to procurement from July 2019:
i. Discussion
ii. Action
e. Considering approving Carter & Sloope to apply for the ARC
Grant, pursuant to Request for Qualification (RFQ)that ended
in October 2019:
i. Discussion
ii. Action
f. Consider approving a four-year leasebetween Community
Leasing Partners and the City of Summerville for the purchase
of SCBA equipment(first annual payment of $27,004.88 included
in FY 2020 – 2021 Budget)(see attachment):
i. Discussion
ii. Action
g. Approve Payments to the following:
i. Discussion
ii. Action
h. Approve the purchase up to $50,000 forWell site #2, test
well #1:
i. Discussion
ii. Action
i. Consider authorizing the conversion of Well site #2, test
well #1, to be developed into a production well.
i. Discussion
ii. Action
j. Discuss drilling at Well Site #1, test well #2:
i. Discussion
ii. Action
k. Executive Session-possible litigation:
i. Discussion
ii. Action
(10) Public Comments
(11) Adjournment