Pre Meeting Question & Answer
There will be a Question and Answer session with the Mayor and members of the City Council prior to the start of the meeting at 4:30PM. Members of the public are encouraged to attend. To join the Q&A session via Zoom, use the meeting info listed below.
Regular Council Meeting
Regular Council meetings, are scheduled for the 2nd Monday of the month. The Regular Council Meeting will be on February 14th, at 5PM, at City Hall. The meeting will also be available to attend as a virtual meeting that can be joined by telephone or by computer/smart phone.
Zoom meetings notes for participants: You may join via computer, smart phone, and telephone. Participants will be muted by upon joining the meeting, and will be given opportunity to speak in sections of the meeting for public comments and questions.
Meeting ID: 861 4904 6882
Password: 903324
To join by computer or smart phone:
To join by telephone:
Call 1-646-876-9923 and enter the meeting ID and password when prompted
Harry Harvey, Mayor
David Ford, Seat 1
Dana W. Mosley, Seat 2
City of Summerville P.O. Box 180 Summerville, GA 30747
Rickey Hughes, Seat 3
Joe Money, Jr., Seat 4
Zachary Martin, Seat 5
Regular Called Meeting and Teleconference Meeting
February 14, 2022
5:00 P.M.
(1) Call to order
(2) Roll Call
(3) Invocation
(4) Pledge of Allegiance
(5) Approval of Meeting Agenda
(6) Consent Agenda
A. Mayor’s Comments – Harry Harvey
i. Announcements/Comments
ii. Introduction of guest/visitors
Dr. Damian J. Elder, Ed.D – Future Problems Solvers,
Summerville Middle School
(7) Reports and Presentations
Financial Report (Attachment) Comments
(8) Old Business
a. Discuss and consider joining Top of Georgia, and approve
a contribution amount:
i. Discussion
ii. Action
b. Second Reading and adoption of the FY 2020-2021 Year-End
Budget Ordinance (see attachment):
i. Discussion
ii. Action
c. Consider approving payment of $28,928 to Rodney Bright
Construction for the installation of two batting cages on
old tennis courts (see attachment):
i. Discussion
ii. Action
(9) New Business
a. Approve minutes:
i. Discussion
ii. Action
b. Adopt the Chattooga County Hazard Mitigation Plan
update for 2022:
i. Discussion
ii. Action
c. Consider approving the purchase of remaining decking on
playground equipment at Dowdy Park from GameTIme in the
amount of $9,216.08 (see attachment):
i. Discussion
ii. Action
d. Approve membership to the Georgia Utility Training Academy
for $9,600 a year for certification and training of seven
full-time employees and three employees requiring partial
certification and training (see attachment):
i. Discussion
ii. Action
e. Approve water line extension from Echols Rd to Garvin Rd
with associated cost to be paid by customer:
i. Discussion
ii. Action
f. Approve payment of $5,450 to Consolidated Pipe, for
meter bars and risers (see attachment):
i. Discussion
ii. Action
g. Consider approving the purchase of two new 25 HP
Aerators from Aqua Aerobic Systems, Inc. in the amount
of $28,450 (see attachment):
i. Discussion
ii. Action
h. Consider approving payment of $12,879 to Vanasse Hangen
Brustlin, Inc. for the 2022-2023 Wastewater Treatment Plant
Watershed Protection Plan (see attachment):
i. Discussion
ii. Action
i. Approve payment of $11,521.75 to Carter & Sloope for
Outfall Sewer Evaluation (see attachment):
i. Discussion
ii. Action
j. Approve payment of $5,927.50 to Carter & Sloope for
engineering services for SR 48 bridge widening project
(see attachment):
i. Discussion
ii. Action
k. Approve payment to Carter & Sloope for the following
engineering invoices:
Plan – $1008.75
Invoice#25991GroundwaterWithdrawalPermit- $4,073.75
Total amount of Invoices $14,260
i. Discussion
ii. Action
l. Executive Session-Personnel, Litigation, and Land
i. Discussion
ii. Action
(10) Public Comments
(11) Adjournment