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Thomas Manning’s story to be featured on NBC Nightly News

A Georgia mom was recently interviewed by NBC Nightly News to tell the story of of her son’s organ donation.

A Georgia mom was recently interviewed by NBC Nightly News to tell the story of of her son’s organ donation.

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Leah Ozment lost her son, Thomas Manning in a tragic motorcycle accident in November 2022. Thomas was 19 and an organ donor.

On Thomas’ 20th birthday Leah traveled to Indiana to hear her son’s heart beat in the recipient’s chest.

The story captured the attention of multiple news outlets across the country. This past week Leah was interviewed by Kate Snow for a feature segment to be aired on NBC Nightly News.

Leah said the interview was incredibly stressful. “I had been given the perfect opportunity. I’m literally being interviewed by Kate Snow. It took incredible effort to answer with what I meant, those words…the most important words that I will speak on this journey. This is it. I honestly have no idea what to expect. I have to say that Kate made me feel so comfortable, I seen the compassion in her eyes, and I know that she now loves Thomas too,” Leah said.

Through her loss Leah has found strength and a new passion to tell Thomas’ story and help grieving mothers.

“As mothers, we have an energy that is exclusively for us. It’s why we are super humans. It’s why I was a great mom, the energy. Everything I did, was because I was a mom with a son to raise. After Thomas was gone, I completely lost my identity. Why is it so important to me, that people know Tom’s story? Because my identity did not change, I am still Tom’s mom. I only had to realize that the role looks a little different now. I’m so incredibly proud of the impact he made, and continues to make through me. That is why his story will be told,” Leah said.

Leah’s interview will air this Sunday night on The NBC Nightly News with Kate Snow at 6:30 pm, the segment is the last one of the show.

In addition Leah has started a website to follow her journey:

Read more:


Thomas’ Walk


A Mother’s Strength

South Summerville Baptist
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