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Statesboro Police Officers Recognized for Various Achievements

The Statesboro Police Department recently recognized and congratulated several officers for various achievements.


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Officer Jennifer Strosnider and Advanced Patrol Officer Kyle Briley were presented the Department’s Meritorious Service Award for their effort to save a life on October 15. This award recognizes an officer or civilian for an accomplishment or outstanding performance in criminal apprehension or investigation or for performing a lifesaving deed or a lifesaving attempt.

Photo: APO Kyle Briley (left) & Officer Jennifer Strosnider (mid-right) recieve Meritorious Service awards from Captain Kaleb Moore (mid-left) & Lieutenant Tony Gore (right)

Photo: APO Kyle Briley (left) & Officer Jennifer Strosnider (mid-right) recieve Meritorious Service awards from Captain Kaleb Moore (mid-left) & Lieutenant Tony Gore (right)

Advanced Patrol Officer Ian Huggins and Officer Derrick Frink were presented the Department’s Life Saving Award for the action they took to save a human life on November 3. This award is presented to an officer or civilian for the actual saving of a human life by rescue or medical related efforts, and should be presented when the individual’s action is the only probable action resulting in the saving of a life.

Photo: APO Ian Huggins (left) & Officer Derrick Frink receive Life Saving awards from Captain Moore & Lieutenant Gore

Photo: APO Ian Huggins (left) & Officer Derrick Frink receive Life Saving awards from Captain Moore & Lieutenant Gore

Statesboro Police Dept offers new officers a promotional opportunity to go from a Patrol Officer to an Advanced Patrol Officer. Qualifications are that the officer has to have been employed by us, as a Patrol Officer, for at least 24 months, and complete specific training courses and be recommended by the Commander of the Patrol Bureau. By December 20, 2016, only 24 months and 3 days after being hired, Officer Jennifer Strosnider met all requirements, completed all courses necessary, and was recently promoted to Advanced Patrol Officer.

Photo: APO Jennifer Strosnider (mid-right) receives her APO stripes from Captain Moore, Deputy Chief Rob Bryan, and Lt. Gore

Photo: APO Jennifer Strosnider (mid-right) receives her APO stripes from Captain Moore, Deputy Chief Rob Bryan, and Lt. Gore

Statesboro Police Dept has made an effort to reduce training cost by increasing the ability to offer in-house training. Their goal has been to increase the number of certified instructors employed by the Department. According to SPD, the process of becoming a Georgia Peace Officer Standards and Training Council(GA POST) certified instructor is very intensive and involves approximately 80 hours of in class training in addition to very time consuming written work done outside the class. Four officers completed the training earlier this year to become Certified Instructors. The officers are Detective Travis Kreun, Advanced Patrol Officer Mary Bowen, Corporal William Dietz, and Advanced Patrol Officer Terrell Lewis.

Photo: From left to right: Det. Travis Kreun, APO Mary Bowen, Cpl. William Dietz, & APO Terrell Lewis

Photo: From left to right: Det. Travis Kreun, APO Mary Bowen, Cpl. William Dietz, & APO Terrell Lewis


Photos courtesy of Statesboro Police Department


Jessica Szilagyi is a former Statewide Contributor for

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