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Bulloch GOP Hosts US Senate Candidate Derrick Grayson

Tuesday evening in front of a packed patio at Statesboro Daily Grind on Savannah Avenue, the Bulloch County Republican Party gathered for a guest speaker, Mr. Derrick Grayson, who is running in the Republican primary against longtime incumbent Johnny Isakson.


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Grayson offered an informal speech on his stance on the Constitution, his guiding principles, his background, his current job at MARTA and his family life before he opened the floor for questions. In his honest Q&A session, Grayson was relentless in emphasizing his obedience to the U.S. Constitution and nothing further while offering specific voting record data of Isakson’s where he says Isakson violated the trust of voters.

A few of his talking points from his campaign literature:

  • Education: More local and parental control, a renewed focus on civics and vocational programs, and provide tax exemptions for families that home school or private school
  • Liberty: Religious, social and financial freedom for all. Freedom cannot be subdivided….No tax dollars for abortions….Defend private property rights and repeal Obamacare.
  • Money: Fully audit and then end the Federal Reserve. Implement a Fair (Consumption) Tax
  • Guns: The right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. The 2nd Amendment is to protect ourselves against tyranny and oppression. Repeal all gun control laws for law abiding citizens. 

Derrick Grayson ran for United States Senate in the 2014 cycle as well, but with the crowded field of eight candidates, was mostly drowned out and received very little media attention. You can learn more about him and his platform at

Jessica Szilagyi is a former Statewide Contributor for

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