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Evans Local Government

Claxton Council approves interim city administrator

As outgoing City Administrator Gayle Durrence looks toward her retirement on December 31, the city of Claxton is looking for an interim city administrator beginning December 1 to assist with transition and recruitment of a new administrator.

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Due to the time constraints, a formal advertising and bid process for a consultant is not available. That process will be implemented with the permanent new hire.

The Claxton City Council considered two candidates for interim administrator at their council meeting Monday evening.

HC Crawford of Sylvania submitted a bid for an open-ended contract that would run month to month until a permanent administrator is found. His quote is $4,200 per month.

Mr. Crawford

Mr. Crawford

Underwood and Associates out of Thomasville, GA submitted two different bids:
A) An interim city administrator who assists with the search process for $6,500 per month; or
B) only assist with the replacement administrator for $3,500 per month, plus expenses.

Both candidates were recruited through search by councilman Mel Kelly. Councilwoman Tina Hagan expressed her disagreement with the decision to only consider the two candidates, as she had a preferred choice to apply as well. Councilman Willard said that person should have made an effort since the last council meeting to contact city hall about necessary information. Kelly emphasized the need to close the application process now that council members are aware of the proposed salary requirements.

Ultimately, the council decided in a 4-2 vote to consider the two candidates who had applications and contracts available for review. Council members Hagan and Robert Benjamin were the two dissenting votes.

The council then voted unanimously to approve the contract of HC Crawford effective December 5.

The interim administrator will not be eligible to apply for the permanent position.

The recruitment process for a new administrator could take up to six months.

Jessica Szilagyi is a former Statewide Contributor for

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