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Georgia Politics

Democrats Release New Ad “Problems”

Democrats released a new television ad on Friday and it’s already airing around the state.

The ad focuses on Election Day problems and encourages voters who had problems – be it wait times, misinformation, or general problems with machines – to contact the Abrams for Governor campaign.

From a press release accompanying the ad:

[T]he Abrams for Governor released a new ad pointing to the myriad of problems voters faced at the polls, and asking voters to share their stories at or by calling the voter protection hotline at 1-888-730-5816. Election Day was marked by voting problems across our state, and as the ad illustrates, Stacey Abrams and Georgia Democrats are committed to helping every voter make their voice heard.

The ad was release just ahead of Abrams’ acknowledgement that Brian Kemp would be Governor, a speech she said was ‘not a concession.’ Abrams vowed to launch a voter protection initiative following the election and says a lawsuit will be filed against the state of Georgia for ‘gross mismanagement.’

You can watch the ad below:


Reporter: There were a lot of problems at the polls.
Reporter: Three voting machines were sent, but eight were supposed to be there.
Reporter: ID Scanners weren’t working.
Voter: We ran out of provisional ballots.
Reporter: Forgot power cords.
Voter: Misinformation.
Reporter: Technical issues.
Reporter: Delayed balloting for nearly three hours.
Reporter: Four hours.
Voter: Five hours.
Reporter, to voter: Are you going to come back?
Voter, answering: I’m gonna try. I have to go to work.
Reporter: Checked the My Voter page, and it said there was no record of it. People are wondering what happened to their ballot.
Narrator: This election, was your voice heard? For every voice to be heard, every vote must be counted. Share your story.

Jessica Szilagyi is a former Statewide Contributor for



  1. Robert Mallett

    November 19, 2018 at 11:57 am


    I voted in the recent general election at the Brooklet, Bulloch County precinct. I had no issues what so ever and felt that my vote was properly counted. I had no issues in the primary elections either.

    Perhaps it was my diligence that ensured that I was properly registered in Bulloch County and that my state-issued drivers licence reflected my current address and date of birth.

    Had the Democratic candidate won the general election at the expense of my vote, would Kemp’s campaign made an effort to make my Republican Party vote count?

    • Jessica Szilagyi

      November 19, 2018 at 4:08 pm

      I’m sure they would have. When David Shafer came so close in the GOP runoff this summer with Geoff Duncan, Republican’s patiently waited a week for every vote to be counted.

    • John Doe

      November 20, 2018 at 9:17 pm

      Everyone wants their “rights” but no one wants their responsibilities. For 3 THREE weeks early voting was offered. No room for employees to park because so moany voting. Suppression of votes, I am not buying it.

  2. Lee T Mitchell

    November 20, 2018 at 6:54 am

    I voted early in Bulloch County and had no problems.
    It’s hard for me to understand how some people are complaining about the long wait lines. Why don’t they vote early instead of waiting for the last day?


    November 20, 2018 at 8:08 am

    I voted early at the County office. Everything ran smoothly. I plan to vote early again for the Secretary of State run-off. This isn’t a GA problem, nor is it the Secretary State’s problem. Every precinct is responsible for their own voting equipment. It’s up to them to know their voting base. I have been voting at the Nevils precinct in Bulloch County for over 28 years. Never once has their been an issue. You are in and out in less than 10 minutes.

  4. Gail Johnson

    November 20, 2018 at 12:52 pm

    I early voted in a Gwinnett Country and experienced no problems. I was prepared. I had my drivers license with the current address and I know my birthday. And I was able to cast my vote with zero issues. I felt confident my vote was cast and counted correctly.

  5. Carolyn B Bishop

    November 20, 2018 at 5:17 pm

    I voted in Berrien County Ga and had NO PROBLEMS.
    The voting staff were kind and very cordial.

  6. Peggy Jo Christian

    November 20, 2018 at 6:04 pm

    NO problems in Early County. Quick, easy, most pleasant atmosphere. Always exciting experience. Helpful, friendly staff

  7. Gabe

    November 21, 2018 at 11:16 pm

    Never had a problem. I almost willing to bet that the only people that had problems were voting Democrat. Coincidence? I think not. It’s nothing but a ploy to stir the pot of the “racial devide”. The left are corrupt and will do anything to have “power”. No more!! We will not tolerate any threat to our great country!!

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