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Congresswoman McBath, Colleagues Send Letter To Prevent Wine Tariffs

Georgia Congresswoman Lucy McBath has signed on to a letter opposing wine tariffs in a move she says will ‘protect US distributors.’

Georgia Congresswoman Lucy McBath has signed on to a letter opposing wine tariffs in a move she says will ‘protect US distributors.’

Rep. Lucy McBath (D-Marietta) joined 107 bipartisan members of the Congressional Wine Caucus in sending a letter to United States Trade Representative Robert E. Lighthizer urging him not to implement potential additional tariffs that would impact the $220 billion American wine economy, including wine distributors and businesses across Georgia’s Sixth District.

No other Representative from Georgia signed onto the letter.

“I joined with my Republican and Democratic colleagues to voice our concerns to Ambassador Lighthizer about these harmful tariffs. We must protect local wine producers and small businesses throughout the Sixth District,” McBath said in a news release. “With our communities in mind, this letter urges Mr. Lighthizer to prevent these tariffs so that we can protect our wine producers, defend small businesses in Georgia, and strengthen our local economy.”

Negotiations are currently underway on potential retaliatory tariffs in response to the European Union’s illegal Airbus subsidies. Signers of this letter are asking that wine tariffs not be included as they could harm the economy, local wine producers, jobs, revenue within the industry, and wine exports.

wine tariff letter

Jessica Szilagyi is a former Statewide Contributor for

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