The Georgia Department of Corrections (GDC) hosted a ceremony this week, recognizing the first graduating class of its Fleet Services Program Automotive Academy.
Twelve residents from Macon Transitional Center received certificates for successfully completing automotive industry programs in either I-Car Paint and Body (I-Car), or Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) through a partnership with Central Georgia Technical College.

“The automotive academy was designed to provide offenders with the skills necessary to become productive upon release while increasing their employability,” said Commissioner Timothy C. Ward. “We are thankful for the partnerships and the staff that have worked together to provide these men an opportunity to be successful.”
The Automotive Academy offers specialized training, credentials, and educational support, and includes a six-month ASE program, which teaches diagnostics, service and vehicle maintenance. The 12-month I-Car program teaches skills in autobody paint and collision repair. Each of these programs provides offenders with the opportunity to earn industry-recognized certification.
In addition to providing offenders with more opportunities for success, the Automotive Academy has become a professional, well-rounded, fully functional automotive paint and body shop, allowing cost avoidance associated with vehicle repairs totaling more than $1 million.
GA Dept of Corrections
Susan Williams
September 10, 2021 at 5:29 pm
This is wonderful. These people are learning skills to go out in the world as productive citizens.