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Georgia Opinions

Dear Spirit Mom,

How many times have you wished you could talk to your mom about a problem? I know in my own life God has given me many spiritual mothers that have helped me through difficult times. I have been blessed with a wonderful, Christian mother, but sometimes I need a spiritual mother to talk to. Whether you have a mother you can talk with or not, your Spirit Mom is ready to help.

Pro Roof GA


A Spirit Mom is a woman forty years or older who is an ordinary, experienced mom that is committed to her church, family and community. Spirit Moms are women who are diversified by geography and different walks of life, but are unified in the Christian faith. Spirit Moms are grounded in the Word of God and will share God’s truth as it relates to your circumstances. If you need a spiritual perspective on anything from finances to parenting to relationships, write to Dear Spirit Mom.


This column is devoted to answering your letters each week. Your Spirit Mom could be one of many different women who make up a network of believers whose heart is to minister to younger women. You will only know your spiritual mother as “Spirit Mom” and she will only know you by the first name you provide (you do not have to use your real name).


If you are eighteen or older, you may email your story and questions to  Please be respectful with your language and the nature of your story. A letter will be selected to be answered each week in this column. Your letter may be edited for corrections, to eliminate information to help protect your identity, or to condense before publishing. If you are being abused or dealing with thoughts of suicide, get help now. Do not wait to hear back from Dear Spirit Mom.


Years ago, the Lord gave me a desire to connect women of faith with spiritual daughters in need of a mom with wisdom. All through scripture we find accounts of spiritual mothers and spiritual daughters. Though they are not connected biologically, Jesus’ mother became a Spirit Mom to Mary Magdalene. And Mary herself had her cousin Elizabeth as a spiritual mother. She went to Elizabeth when she was a pregnant unwed teen in need of someone to listen and guide her when perhaps she couldn’t talk to her own mother.


Spirit Moms are so excited to launch this new ministry in October. “Dear Spirit Mom” will give young women answers that are consistent with God’s Word. The Bible tells us that our fight is not again flesh and blood, but against powers of darkness. Ephesians urges us to use every piece of God’s armor to resist the enemy when he attacks and promises that we will still be standing when it is all over. A praying mom who loves the Lord is a warrior. Spirit Moms have shown the enemy time and time again her daughters are worth fighting for!


You can follow on Instagram at DearSpiritMom.

Nadolyn has served in the local church for over thirty years. Creator of DIRT ROAD BELIEVER YouTube, Nadolyn delights in sharing her faith, family and community to help believers slow down and deepen their relationship with Christ.

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