The Armstrong Foundation of Georgia Southern University, Inc. has merged with, and into, the Georgia Southern University Foundation, Inc., effective July 1. This strategic consolidation of foundation resources will streamline fundraising systems while honoring the integrity of donor requests.
The boards of trustees of the Georgia Southern University Foundation Inc., and the Armstrong Foundation of Georgia Southern University, Inc. unanimously agreed to merge the two foundations during a joint meeting in May.
The chairs of both foundations spoke out in favor of this step when it was presented to their boards.

“There is considerable strength in numbers,” said Mike Kemp, past chairman of the Armstrong Foundation of Georgia Southern, Inc. “Together, we can provide exceptional opportunities to meet the needs of our students and faculty through scholarships and fund endowments that support student success and encourage teaching excellence at each of Georgia Southern’s campuses.”
“July 1 was another exciting day for Georgia Southern University. Merging the foundations allows us to leverage combined donor bases, volunteer engagement and financial assets to have a greater impact in supporting the new Georgia Southern University’s mission and priorities,” said Billy Hickman, chairman of Georgia Southern University Foundation, Inc. “We look forward to growing stronger together.”
Information from Georgia Southern