One of Claxton’s City Council members will not be seeking another term.
Councilman Mel Kelly announced this week that he will close out his second term on council before stepping down from the post. Kelly has served the district for eight years while also working as the EMS Director in Candler County.
The district 2 councilman issued the following statement on his decision:
“I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone from the City of Claxton
District #2 for all of the support they have given me in the eight years I have served as your City Councilman, however, I am not seeking a third term on the City Council. I will remain politically active, and involved in what happens in our town, and County, and will always be a voice for what is right.”
Kelly’s term expires December 31 and qualifying for the November election will begin in August.
Kelly is one of five council members that serves District 2 – Former Magistrate Judge Larry Anderson, Jeffrey Rogers, Risher Willard, and Dean Cameron.