GHSA released the following Coronavirus update: “The GHSA and the Sports Medicine Advisory Council appreciates our member schools’ efforts during the successful implementation of the Coronavirus Guidance Plan.”
1. The additional participants added to the group should be new additions only.
2. Current groups should be the same individuals (including coaches) for each session with the exception of the new participants.
3. All current recommendations and/or restrictions are still in place.
Recommendations and restrictions are fluid and subject to change.
> Groups of 25, including coaches, for workouts per sport at any given time at the campus/facility. Campus/facility denote the buildings and contiguous property surrounding the buildings. You cannot have a group from one sport in the weight room and another from the same sport on a field on the same campus. This includes adjacent middle school properties. If your middle school that feeds the high school is on an entirely different campus/facility, a second group from the same sport could condition at that location as well following the same guidelines. Multiple sport conditioning groups should be scheduled with staggered starting and ending time to prevent large gatherings before and after workouts.
> Groups should be the same individuals (including coaches) for each session to limit risk of exposure. Students or coaches CANNOT change groups for the duration of this guidance. Athletic Directors and Head Coaches are allowed to monitor all workouts. Schools that employ a Strength and Conditioning coach may use that individual to direct all workouts. These individuals count in the group limit of 25 persons. Social distancing, hand washing/sanitizer are stressed and masks/face coverings for these individuals is highly recommended. Groups should be consistent from workout to workout. If there are multiple-sport athletes, one conditioning group should be selected and adhered to for the duration of this guidance. There should be no student athlete in multiple conditioning groups.