Trion High School’s Class of 2020 Scholarship Recipients:
Trion Alumni Association Scholarships
In Honor of the Trion City Schools Board of Education … Bryana Whitaker
In Memory of JW Greenwood … Garrett Walters
In Memory of Sam R. McCain … Michael Cook
In Memory of Wanda Blalock … Mallorie Johnson
In Memory of Clarence Blevins … Isabelle Walters
In Memory of Jean Ingle … Kaylie Broome
Pride of Trion Band Booster Scholarships
Benjamin Cox
Elijah Duvall
Trion High School Green Team Scholarships
Elijah Duvall
Sophia Harward
Mallorie Johnson
Kimberly Truong
New Hope South Baptist Church
Ansley Bandy
Pleasant Grove Church of Christ Scholarship
Ansley Bandy
Trion First Baptist Church Scholarships
Olivia Brown
Michael Cook
Lillian Kennedy
Lincoln Maddux
Trion United Methodist Church Women’s Scholarships
Madison Day
Jacob Thompson
Grace Wofford
Bank of LaFayette Scholarship
Bryana Whitaker
Best Manufacturing Silver Club Scholarship
Savannah Price
Better Business Bureau Scholarship
Bryana Whitaker
Chattooga County Farm Bureau Agricultural Scholarship
Bryce Wallin
Chattooga County Republican Party Scholarships
Garrett Walters
Isabelle Walters
Community Bankers Association of Georgia Hester Memorial Scholarship
Bryana Whitaker
Corporal Mary Bullard Law Enforcement Scholarship
Breana Strickland
Daughters of the American Revolution Scholarship
Kaylie Broome
Elks National Foundation Most Valuable Student Scholarship
Bryana Whitaker
Georgia Elks Association Scholarship
Bryana Whitaker
Jessie Tudor “Heart Like Mine” Memorial Scholarships
Kimberly Truong
Isabelle Walters
Jordan Reynolds Memorial Scholarship
Mallorie Johnson
Helping Hands Ending Hunger Scholarship
Michael Cook
LaFayette Elks Lodge District Scholarship
Bryana Whitaker
Marvin and Lillie Mae Johns BB&T Scholarship
Kaylie Broome
Public Safety Memorial Grant
Jacob Thompson
Summerville-Trion Optimist Club Scholarship
Bryana Whitaker
Military Recognitions
United States Army ROTC Scholarship
Shelby Carlock
United States Marine Corps
Logan Gilliland
United States Navy
Liza Mendez
University and College Scholarships
Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College James C. and Joyce C Kirk Scholarship
Jaden Hardy
Auburn University Presidential Scholarship
Sophia Harward
Berry College Academic Scholarship
Anna Brooke Dalrymple
Flagler College Presidential Merit Scholarship
Valerie Hames
Georgia Northwestern Technical College Foundation Scholarships
Seth Hall
Harley Harris
Georgia State University Honors College Second Century Scholarship
Garrett Walters
Jacksonville State University Gamecock Spirit Scholarship
Kaylie Broome
Jacksonville State University Gamecock Spirit Scholarship
Breana Strickland
Jacksonville State University Gamecock Grant
Ethan Cordle
Jacksonville State University Academic Scholarship
Benjamin Cox
Mercer University Stetson-Hatcher School of Business Challenge Scholarship
Clay Baker
Mercer University Able Scholarship, Jesse Mercer Academic Scholarship, Tift College Scholar Scholarship
Bryana Whitaker
Reinhardt University Sharp Scholarship, Academic Scholarship, Softball Scholarship
Whitney Shepherd
Reinhardt University Achievement Scholarship and Softball Scholarship
Lauren Woods
Shorter University Hawk Band Scholarship and Presidential Scholarship
Elijah Duvall
Shorter University Cheer Scholarship
Alyssa Brown
Shorter University Community Scholarship
Kylee Park
Shorter University Academic and Athletic Scholarship
William Wyatt
University of Alabama in Huntsville Charger Distinction Scholarship
Olivia Brown
University of Alabama in Huntsville Charger Distinction Scholarship
Amory Dowdy
University of North Georgia Academic Scholarship
Shelby Carlock
University of Tennessee at Knoxville Explore Scholarship
Grace Wofford
University of Tennessee at Martin Explore Scholarship
Lilllian Kennedy
University of West Alabama Rodeo Scholarship
Cooper Malone