The Trion High School chapter of Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) has worked diligently this year on attaining new Family and Consumer Sciences concepts. THS FCCLA were also recognized for earning Honor Roll with Distinction & National Program awards.
Nine THS Students competed at the Region FCCLA STAR events competition in February and placed 1st or 2nd in their event, to earn an opportunity to compete on the state level at the 2023 State conference last weekend in Athens, GA.
All nine of the students placed TOP 10 at state conference and were recognized on stage. THS FCCLA had four members who earned a silver or gold in their category and are National Qualifiers in their STAR EVENTS. This is a huge opportunity for them. These members will be traveling to Denver, Colorado for FCCLA’s National Leadership Conference in July.
The cost per student will be around $1500.
If you would be interested in donating to help these ladies represent Trion High School in Denver, please contact: THS FCCLA advisor Merri Blankenship, merri.blankenship@trionschools.org or THS Assistant Principle / CTAE Director Jennifer Patterson, Jennifer.patterson@trionschools.org