Forty-Five, Chattooga County Junior (7th and 8th Graders)and Senior (9th-12th) 4-H’ers traveled to Rock Eagle 4-H Center in Eatonton, Georgia to participate in District Project Achievement on February 28th-March 1st.
Many of the students came home with tops honors. However, I would state that “They are all winners for putting in the work it requires to get to the competition.” It took a lot of work and practice for each young person to prepare for this level of competition. Each 7th-12th grade 4-H’er gave an illustrated talk or demonstration on a topic they chose. Most demonstrations last between 7-12 minutes. We also had youth compete in food preparation categories which last between an hour and half to two hours.
Prior to district competition, 7th-12th had to prepare a 2-page portfolio (resume) and two supporting evidence pages of pictures from the work in their portfolio. Students could choose from over 64 projects for their demonstration. Today’s projects include international, veterinary science, computers, conservation, photography, public speaking, plant and soils, performing arts, and financial management, just to name a few.
Competition for Juniors ends at district, but Seniors (9th-12th) have the ability to continue to the State Level Competition that happens in July. Competing at DPA, not only allows our youth to gain valuable life skills and the ability to share their interest, but also earns them top honors in our county.
Junior 4-H’ers: Ansley Abernathy (Fashion Revue), Addison Anderson (History), Payton Ball (Cat Care), Walt Beach (Festive Foods), Emily Blackmon (Workforce Prep), Jesse Blankenship (Wildlife), Mylee Blevins (Festive Foods), Jeyda Bohannon (General Rec.), Noah Bowman (Better Breakfast), Lane Bridges (Beef), Brinlee Brown (Fashion Revue), Callie Brown (Earth Sciences), Cora Conley (Better Breakfast), Anna Duvall (Performing Arts- Vocal), Karis Evans(Food Fare), Noah Gann (Pizza), Colton Hankins (Safety), Gabi Helwig (Dairy Foods), Annabeth Jackson (Horse), Briley Lawson (Communications), Alexis Lemmings (Human Development), Claire Lindsey (Arts), Halle Lively (Fruits Veg. & Nuts), Carter Loughridge (Environmental Science), Tatum Maddux (Entomology), Tori Maddux (Sports- Team), Olivia Millican (Performing Arts-Vocal), Nick Mitchell (Marine Sciences), Dillard Stricklin (Safety), Bree Wallin (Sports-Individual), Morgan Ward (Veterinary Science), and Joshua Willingham (Companion Animals)
Senior 4-H’ers- Dylan Adams (Health), Levi Adams (Robotics), Gray Beach (Festive Foods), Mary Anna Bentley (Public Speaking), Tori Blalock (Dairy Foods), Brecklyn Brown (Food Safety and Preservation), Olivia Dalrymple (Safety) Braxton Floyd (Performing Arts- General), Emily Hegwood (Sports), Cadee O’Neal (General Rec.), Lydia Pence (Poultry), Maggie Ragland (Human Development), and Bailey Thomas (History)
Senior 4-H’ers that will continue to the State Level are Tori Blalock in Dairy Foods, Brecklyn Brown in Food Safety & Preservation, Olivia Dalrymple in Safety, and Lydia Pence in Poultry.
This event would not have been possible without the support of our leaders who accompanied us to the event. Selena Conley, April Blackwell, Rebecca Thomas, Samantha Brown, andLindsey White.4-H Northwest District Board of DirectorsPresident, Gray Beach, who is also a local 4-H’er, presided over the events along with other district officers Colton Hankins, Alexis Lemmings, and Joshua Willingham and Ansley Abernathy.
We are so proud of the 45 youth that competed this weekend. 33/45 youth placed in the top three in their project areas.
For more information on 4-H programs and activities, please contact the Chattooga County Extension at (706) 857-0744
Contributed article