The Princeton Review ® has again included Berry College in its annual ranking publication, “The Best 389 Colleges”.
The company’s college ranking lists, reported in 50 categories, are based on its surveys of college students about their schools. The lists are published in The Princeton Review college guide, “The Best 389 Colleges”, the 2024 edition.
Berry College was also one of 109 schools named to Princeton Review’s “Best South” list and among 455 colleges named to the “Green Colleges” list. Princeton Review also ranked Berry 23rd on their “Most Beautiful Campus” list.
Unlike college rankings that focus exclusively on academics and that are derived solely from institutional data and college administrator “peer” reviews, The Princeton Review rankings, tallied in multiple categories, are derived from student reports of their experiences at the schools in its annual “Best Colleges” guidebook. For the 50 ranking lists reported today, The Princeton Review data operations team tallied 165,000 surveys of students at the schools in The Best 389 Colleges (about 424 per school on average). The surveys were conducted in 2022–23 and/or the previous two academic years. The 85-question survey asked students to rate their professors, administrators, financial aid, campus amenities, school services, and other aspects of life at their colleges on a five-point scale and to report on their experiences at them. Information on the survey and the methodology for the ranking lists is here on PrincetonReview.com.
“Our selection of colleges for this book reflects our high opinion of the schools: we recommend each one as academically outstanding. Our ranking lists reflect the opinions of the school’s students—their customers—and their reports to us about their campus experiences.” said Rob Franek, editor-in-chief of The Princeton Review and lead author.
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