The Great Promise Partnership team from Chattooga High School recently toured the Capitol with teacher Kristy Colbert. The students watched the legislative session in the House of Representatives, met with three law makers, and heard from a legislative aid on the importance of voting, standing up for your beliefs, and being an educated voter. The group then listened to a GPP alumni currently attending GSU.
The trip culminated with an opportunity to have a picture made with Georgia Governor Brian Kemp. In attendance was ten year-old Bartholomew, Mrs. Colbert’s son. During the photo moment, the youngster was getting a little lost in the shuffle and the Governor took notice.
“When the adults filled in the front line, Bart couldn’t be seen,” said Mrs. Colbert. “The Governor stopped the photo session to pull Bart up front with him to ensure he was seen.” Colbert knew the gesture was a big deal and even Bartholomew seemed to enjoy his newfound fame. “This was a huge moment for Bart and for me! The Governor actually put his arm around Bart. This was a great showing of concern and kindness, to take time for a little thing that meant a lot to a child…and his mother.”
Students from CHS attending were: Kimberly Chandler, Bethany Colbert, Benjamin Colbert, Secret Hatfield, Raine Henderson, Lexi Kerley, Annabelle Mitchell, Ansley Montgomery, Antquavius Neal, Hector Reynoso, Faith Rogers, and Kylie Roulane.
The Great Promise Partnership is a public-private partnership that empowers and equips at-risk students to complete high school while gaining real-world job skills and experience, creating a path to personal success and the workforce of the future. GPP Workplace students spend part of the day at their regular school assignment and part of the day at a job location.
While at work, students have up to one hour each day of non-work activities such as tutoring, mentoring, life skills and group projects. The remainder of the day is spent developing skills on the job and exploring career options and pathways. Jobs for GPP students are substantive entry level jobs with real outcomes and evaluations. Opportunities like the capitol trip offer unique and priceless experiences with business leaders, law makers and other mentors. For the Chattooga GPP group, the trip proved to be engaging as well as educational.
“Several students (most) had never been to the Capitol at all,” Colbert remarked. “They watched the passage of the new school bus law and loved listening to the discussion and watching the voting process.” In fact, the process proved to be so informative and interesting, the students wanted more. “The students were so interested in the session they did not want to leave. They complained about having to go to lunch! It was a very educational experience.” Colbert added.