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Welcome Home Brother, Thank You For Your Service

Welcome Home Brother, Thank You For Your Service

March 29, 1973 – Two months after the signing of the Vietnam peace agreement, the last U.S. combat troops left South Vietnam as Hanoi freed the remaining American prisoners of war held in North Vietnam. America’s direct intervention in the Vietnam War ended.

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In 2011, nearly four decades after the final withdrawal of U.S. combat and combat-support troops from Vietnam, the Senate passed a resolution designating March 29-31 as “Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day”.

The Vietnam War Veterans Recognition Act, signed into law in 2017, designates March 29 of each year as National Vietnam War Veterans Day.

Vietnam Veterans Day commemorates the sacrifices of Vietnam veterans and their families and is part of a national effort to recognize the men and women who were denied a proper welcome upon returning home more from an unpopular war.

Most states celebrate “Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day” on March 29 or 30 of each year. Though there is some debate, March 29 is generally viewed as a more appropriate date. On that day in 1973, the last combat troops were withdrawn from Vietnam and the last prisoners of war held in North Vietnam arrived on American soil. It is also the date President Nixon chose for the first Vietnam Veterans Day in 1974.

America’s involvement in Vietnam began in June 1954 with military advisors, and escalated into 11 years of military compact involving 3 million service men and women. Of the 228,000 Georgians that served during the conflict, 1,582 died in combat including 13 young men from Chattooga County.

The Chattooga County fallen heroes include: Bill Guinn Browning, Randy Graham Cagle, James Lafayette Clarkston, Charlie David Dodd, Larry Wade Duke, Benny Ray Dupree, James Robert Floyd, Nathaniel Knowles, Gary Thomas Marbutt, Gary M. Mitchell, Jimmy Ralph Patrick, Vernon Davey Southerland, and Charles Clinton Williams.

In 2016 Chattooga County hosted its first Welcome Home event, veterans in attendance that day included:

Veteran’s Name Rank Branch of service Date of Service
John Crawford LT USMC Sept. 69-Sept. 71
Bill T. Croy E7 Army Sept. 64-Sept. 88
Jimmy P. McGraw E3 Army 57-63
Jerry Ricketts Corpl Navy June 58-July 64
Charles A. Stoker E3 Army 2/62-2/65
Billy L. Edwards E5 Army Feb 72-74
Jack Wentz E7 Army/Airforce 1968-1983
Ray E. Lee Spec. 4 Army 12/60-12/67
Michael D. Ross E8 Army 1971-1991
David L. Love E4 Army 9/67-6/69
Gregory D. Patrick PFC Army 1966-
Wayne L. Cain E7/ L Army/Airforce 1964-Army 1993-Airforce
Eddie D. Hawkins S4 Army 69-70
Jim R. Parker CPL Marine Corp. 66-69
Deed E. Price E4 Army 61-63
William D. Ford E5 USMC 71-77
Clifford G. Albernathy E4 Navy 67-71
Ken W. McCarly Cpt. Army 64-69
Sam Hudsuth 1 SG Army 58-88
James T. Riley Sp/5 Army 71-82
Tommy G. Purcell Spt. Army 58-71
Charles A. Butler SP/5 Army 70-81
William G. Hinton 1st Sgt. Army 61-90
Tommy F. Grimes S4 Army 69-71
Michael F. King S4 Army 70-71
Donald R. Webb S4 Army 69-71
Cecil W. Parker E4 Navy 64-66
Ronald G. Winters E5 Army 66-68
Danny R. Hatcher E5 Army 69-71
Chester H. Skelton Jr. Sgt. Army 67-69
Carl M Fowler E8 Air Force 67-68
Charlie R Swords E4 Army 68-71
Loyd C. Moore E2 Air Force 62-66
Donald R. Henderson 1st LT Army 67-69
James E. Parker Cpt. Army 63-68
William D. Evans Sp. 4 Army 69-70
John G. Fulton E5 Army 70-73
Billy W. Pledger Sp. 4 Army 69-71
Sam C. Finster Sr. 1st LT Army 65-68
David L. Collins E5 Navy 65-69
William J. Tucker Sp. 5 Army 66-69
Sam A. Porcarello E4 Navy 71-74
William D. Durham PFC Army 69-71
Robert W. Chappell Sgt. Air Force 67-68
John F. Nichols E5 Army 66-68
James E. Lunsden St Sgt. Air Force 70-76
Douglas B. Stone CPL Army 74-79
Aubrey G. Newton E2 Army 68-70
Kenneth W. Hampton E5 Army 74-78
Stephen W. Jones E4 Army 70-72
Michael L. Posey MSgt. Air Force 63-85
Jimmy R. Pinion Sp 4 Army 66-68
Lewis N. Railey Sp 4 Army 64-67
Carl A. Kilgo Spl 4 Army 68-70
Joesph M. Salmon S5 Army 67-69
Willie J. Warren SEC Army 62-90
Henry Emason E4 Army 68-70
Raymond J. Ware E4 Air Force 66-69
Eemaus Lee Major E5 Army 66-06
Robert C. Keheley E7 Navy 55-75
Ron D. Stephens E4 Army 68-70
Milton L. McDaniels E4 Army 68-70
Anthony D. Gaylor E5 Army 66-68
James d. Bearden PFC Army 64-72
Norvah T. Henderson E6 Army 74-80

After the event over 100 additional Vietnam Veterans who were not in attendance reached out to Ms. Barbara Reece and Mrs. Odell Anderson, the two are planning another Welcome Home ceremony in the upcoming months. At the future event Vietnam Veterans will be  presented certificates and other honors. The future event will be a public event for the community to have an opportunity to express their gratitude.

Below is as complete of list as available of Vietnam Veterans from Chattooga County, if you know of other Vietnam Veterans from Chattooga County who are not on the list, please message AllOnGeorgia.

Veteran’s Name Rank Branch Date of Service
Alfred S. Perkins E4 United States Air Force 1961  to  1965
Benny T. Young E4 United States Air Force 1959  to  1963
Carl M. Fowler E8 United States Air Force 1967  to  1968
Charles L. Frady E8 United States Air Force 1954  to  1974
Hugh D. Gibbons Jr. E7 United States Air Force 1966  to  1967
Jack Spangler ***** United States Air Force
John A. Agnew E4 United States Air Force 1965  to  1969
John L. Sparks E3 United States Air Force 1958  to  1961
Leroy E. Sweatman E5 United States Air Force 1967  to  1970
Loyd C. Moore E2 United States Air Force 1962  to  1966
Max E. Cordle E2 United States Air Force 1958 to 1960
Michael L. Posey E7 United States Air Force 1963  to  1985
Paul D. Ledbetter E8 United States Air Force 1958  to  1985
Raymond J. Ware E4 United States Air Force 1966  to  1969
Robert W. Chappell E5 United States Air Force 1967  to  1968
Thomas E. Tinney E3 United States Air Force 1969  to  1971
Wilburn E. Ragland E9 United States Air Force 1953  to  1974
Allen R. Cochran E5 United States Army 1959  to 1964
Andrew E. Brock E4 United States Army 1957  to  1959
Barry R. Smith E4 United States Army 1964  to  1972
Bill T. Croy E7 United States Army 1964  to  1988
Billy L. Edwards E5 United States Army 1972  to  1974
Bobby G. Davis E4 United States Army 1971  to  1974
Carl A. Kilgo E4 United States Army 1968  to  1970
Carlton R. Millican E4 United States Army 1972  to 1975
Charles A. Stoker E3 United States Army 1962  to  1965
Charles Y. Park E5 United States Army 1966  to  1969
Clinton E. Young E4 United States Army 1959  to  1965
David E. Welch E3 United States Army 1960  to  1963
David L. Love E4 United States Army 1967  to  1969
Deed E. Price E4 United States Army 1961  to  1963
Dennis Brown E5 United States Army 1967  to  1969
Dennis L. Tucker E4 United States Army 1967  to  1969
Donald K. Hammond E5 United States Army 1969  to  1971
Donald R. Webb E4 United States Army 1969  to  1971
Earl A. Callan E4 United States Army 1966  to  1968
Eddie D. Hawkins S4 United States Army 1969  to  1970
Edward L. Campbell E4 United States Army 1967  to  1969
Everett M. James E5 United States Army 1963  to  1966
Gary W. Howell E2 United States Army June 1970  to  December 1970
Harold D. Ragland E4 United States Army 1960  to  1963
James B. Evans E5 United States Army 1965  to  1967
James G. Snead E5 United States Army 1969  to  1970
James R. Rains E5 United States Army 1966  to  1972
James T. Riley Sp/5 United States Army 1971  to  1982
Jimmy L. Hix E4 United States Army 1966  to  1968
Jimmy P. McGraw E3 United States Army 1957  to  1963
Ken W. McCarly O3 United States Army 1964  to  1969
Larry C. Veatch E4 United States Army 1969  to  1971
Larry Starky Spc 4 United States Army 1972  to  1975
Michael D. Ross E8 United States Army 1971  to  1991
Michael F. King E4 United States Army 1970  to  1971
Michael T. Tucker E3 United States Army 1966  to  1968
Michael W. Price E4 United States Army 1967  to  1969
Otto L. Willie E8 United States Army 1947  to  1968
Ralph Anderson E3 United States Army 1957  to  1959
Ray E. Lee E4 United States Army 1960  to  1967
Robert L. Woodall E1 United States Army 1953  to  1955
Ronald D. Hawkins E4 United States Army 1965  to  1967
Ronald K. Webb E4 United States Army 1969  to  1971
Sam E. Hudsputh E8 United States Army 1958  to  1988
Steve J. Teems E4 United States Army 1971  to  1972
Tommy F. Grimes E4 United States Army 1969  to  1971
Tommy G. Purcell E5 United States Army 1950  to  1971
Virgil L. Hartline E4 United States Army 1966  to  1968
William D. Durham E3 United States Army 1969  to  1971
William F Kirk E5 United States Army 1961  to  1967
William G. Hinton E8 United States Army 1961  to  1990
Anthony D. Gaylor E5 United States Army 1966  to  1968
Aubrey G. Newton E2 United States Army 1968  to 1970
Billy W. Pledger E4 United States Army 1969  to  1971
Charles A. Butler SP/5 United States Army 1970  to  1981
Charlie R. Swords E4 United States Army 1968  to  1971
Chester H. Skelton Jr. E5 United States Army 1967  to  1969
Danny R. Hatcher E5 United States Army 1969  to  1971
David M. Cargle E4 United States Army 1965  to  1967
Donald R. Henderson O2 United States Army 1967  to  1969
Douglas B. Stone E4 United States Army 1974  to  1979
Eddie G. Shireman E4 United States Army 1967  to  1970
Emmaus L. Major E5 United States Army 1969  to  1972
Emory N. Adams E3 United States Army 1968  to  1970
Henry E. Mason E4 United States Army 1968  to  1970
Howard F. Dillard E5 United States Army 1963  to  1967
James D. Bearden E3 United States Army 1969  to  1972
James E. Parker O3 United States Army 1963  to  1968
James R. Dunaway E4 United States Army 1966  to  1968
Jerry D. Knox E5 United States Army 1968  to  1972
Jimmy L. Fowler E4 United States Army 1966  to  1968
Jimmy R. Pinion E4 United States Army 1966  to  1968
John F. Nichols Staff Sargent United States Army 1966  to  1968
John G. Fulton E5 United States Army 1970  to  1973
Joseph M. Salmon S5 United States Army 1967  to  1969
Kenneth W. Hampton E5 United States Army 1974  to  1978
Milton L. McDaniels E4 United States Army 1968  to  1970
Norval T. Henderson E6 United States Army 1974  to  1980
R.V. Hall E5 United States Army 1967  to  1975
Ralph Whaley W2 United States Army 1954  to 1974
Richard A. White E5 United States Army 1965  to  1967
Ron D. Stephens  E4 United States Army 1968  to  1970
Ronald G. Winters E5 United States Army 1966  to  1968
Sam C. Finster Sr. O2 United States Army 1965  to  1968
Stephen W. Jones E4 United States Army 1970  to  1972
Tommy F. Stephens E5 United States Army 1964  to  1966
William D. Evans E4 United States Army 1969  to  1970
William J. Tucker Sp. 5 United States Army 1966  to  1969
Willie J. Warren E7 United States Army 1962  to  1990
Lewis N. Railey E4 United States Army 1964  to  1967
Jack E. Wentz E7 United States Army/AF 1968  to  1983
Wayne L. Cain E7 United States Army/AF 1964  to  1967
David M. Henry E4 United States Marine Corps 1972  to  1974
Emmett W. Miller E5 United States Marine Corps 1962  to  1966
Emory G. Tallent E3 United States Marine Corps 1968  to  1969
Henry A. Jones Jr. E4 United States Marine Corps 1967  to  1970
Jim R. Parker E4 United States Marine Corps 1966  to  1969
John G. Crawford O2 United States Marine Corps 1969  to  1971
Jonathan M. Payne E4 United States Marine Corps 1967  to  1973
Richard L. Richter E4 United States Marine Corps 1960  to  1966
Thomas R. Adams E4 United States Marine Corps 1963  to  1968
William D. Ford E5 United States Marine Corps 1971  to  1977
Grady E. Schrader E5 United States Marine Corps 1964  to  1967
David L. Burrage E4 United States Marine Corps 1969  to  1972
Ben W. Hege E6 United States Navy 1956  to  1977
Cecil W. Parker E4 United States Navy 1964  to  1966
Clifford G. Albernathy E4 United States Navy 1967  to  1971
Dempsey Lawson E4 United States Navy 1960  to  1966
James Clark E4 United States Navy 1972  to  1976
James H. Henry E4 United States Navy 1961  to  1963
James M. Hardin E4 United States Navy 1960  to  1966
Jerry Q. Ricketts E4 United States Navy 1958  to  1964
Marion R. Swinford E5 United States Navy 1956  to  1966
Richard L. Comer E4 United States Navy 1961  to  1964
William D. McManamy E5 United States Navy 1968  to  1972
Alonzo J. Davis E5 United States Navy 1959  to  1963
David L. Collins E5 United States Navy 1965  to  1969
Paul C. McDaniel E7 United States Navy 1974  to  1998
Robert C. Keheley E7 United States Navy 1955  to  1975
Sam A. Porcarello E4 United States Navy 1971  to  1974
Ewart Q. Wilson E3 United States United States Air Force 1968  to  1973
Patrick H. Groover E5 United States United States Air Force 1965  to  1966
Betty F. Henry Sp/5 United States United States Army 1974  to  1977
Gaylon L. Rush E4 United States United States Army 1958  to  1960
Doyle L. Farmer PFC United States United States Army 1961  to  1963
Wallace C. Martin Sp/4 United States United States Army 1961  to  1963
Charles F. Logan E4 United States United States Army 1968  to  1970
Willie H. Mayes, Jr. E3 United States United States Army January 1971  to  September 1971
Rodney P. Edwards E4 United States United States Navy 1972  to  1978
Johnny M. Brown E3 United States United States Navy 1973  to  1977
Bobby W. Maton Private United States United States Navy 1970  to  1972
Peggy F. Farmer-Hegwood 1961  to  1963


South Summerville Baptist

Casie Bryant is the NW Georgia Regional Manager for AllOnGeorgia.

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