Sunday May 30th, Trion residents dealt with a scare that isn’t common in smaller towns. Arturo Alcantar, a 39 year old Trion man, was arrested for DUI and open container violations. The circumstances surrounding the arrest are still being investigated but a local couple faced one of the most frightening situations a parent can imagine. The couple were taking a walk down Moore Street in Trion going to a relative’s home to swim. Their children tagged along a short distance behind as the trip led from Tavern Lane to Moore Street. The two young girls noticed a white Ford truck pass them twice, each time driving very slowly. On the third pass, the girls noticed the driver was a Hispanic male and, as the truck neared, the driver opened his door and attempted to grab one of the girls. The youngsters claim that the male said “get in!” but both girls managed to evade his grasp. As the two girls ran down Moore Street, the determined driver pursued them but instead found himself face to face with the parents. Thinking quickly, the parents blocked the truck’s path by standing in front and behind the vehicle and called 911. Trion police responded promptly and placed Mr. Alcantar into custody. Immediate charges were filed while the investigation is being led by Detective Shannon Goins. Enticing a Minor and Kidnapping charges are being considered and information will be made available as evidence is gathered.
The two minor children were scared but unharmed and the vigilant parents were grateful for the rapid response from neighbors and police. All local Trion residents are urged to stay alert throughout the summer months when children are out of school.

Tavern Street & Moore Street become site of attempted abduction.