World’s Largest Friendship Flag to Be Raised and Special Friendship Flag to Be Signed by Community for Brody Malone at Saturday’s Friendship Festival
It is well fitting to raise the World’s Largest Flag of Friendship & Peace during the Summerville Friendship Festival as the world is watching the Olympic Games in Tokyo and the entire county is cheering on Brody Malone. Summerville is currently celebrating the contribution of the World Friendship Flag project to the 1996 Olympics and the current status of Friendship Capital of The World that was spearheaded by John Turner with a Friendship Week, leading up to a Friendship Festival. The Friendship Festival is a free community event will be held on Saturday, July 31, from 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. in Dowdy Park that celebrates friendship, kindness, and the pursuit of world peace.
The community is invited to stop by the festival and sign a Friendship Flag that will be presented to U.S. Olympian Brody Malone upon his return home from the Olympics. This particular Friendship Flag will be a very special gift to our hometown hero.
Music featured throughout the day will be award winning fiddle playing, live bluegrass, and southern style gospel music by Ben Hayes, Delta Soul & Friends. The community is invited to participate in a Community Sing –Along of old time songs and hymns at 3:00 p.m. Food will have a strong presence at this festival, with 10 food and beverage vendors on sight. Artists and crafters, pony rides, a miniature train and free Friendship Bracelet making will also be highlighted attractions at the festival.
There will be a “Selfies for the Selfless” booth for those wishing to take photos with the World Friendship Flag. Seo’s Martial Arts will be giving a demonstration at 11:45, followed by a special recognition of District 6910 Rotary Club at 12:00 noon. A “Sister Cities in Friendship Parade of Flags & Banners” is scheduled for 1:00 p.m. around the park. All communities, cities, and towns are invited to join Summerville as a “Sister City in Friendship.” for this pedestrian parade around the park led by the World Friendship Flag. Line up for this parade begins at 12:45 p.m. at the Veteran’s Fountain.
3:46 pm correction of the date of the event, the press release said July 3, it actually is July 31.

Janice Warnack
July 27, 2021 at 1:15 pm
Is this the right date for this? It says July 3rd so did I miss it?
Casie Bryant
July 27, 2021 at 3:44 pm
Hi Janice great catch, the press release was sent as the 3, but it is for the 31st…