On behalf of the Superintendent, please be advised that, based on the Governor’s decision through Executive Order to end the Public Health State of Emergency on June 30, 2021, and the significant improvement of the state of public health, we are returning to pre-pandemic school operations for the 2021-22 school year, which begins Thursday, August 5, 2021.
At this time, Floyd County Schools (FCS) will not issue mandated precautionary quarantines to students or staff for close contact at school with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19.
When Principals are informed of a positive case among students or staff, they will notify any affected staff and email parents of affected students notifying them of the positive case. It is important to monitor for symptoms, but no precautionary quarantines will be required. This is the same State-mandated practice FCS follows for other serious communicable diseases.
Students or staff who test positive for COVID-19 will continue to follow Department of Public Health guidelines, which require you to stay home for 10 days since symptoms first appeared and are fever-free, without the use of fever-reducing medications, for 24 hours before returning to school.
Staff and students are not required to wear masks in FCS schools or offices at any time but can choose to wear them. FCS will continue to provide disposable masks or neck gaiters to individuals who might request them.
COVID-19 vaccinations are not required for employees or students but are encouraged and recommended. The Floyd County Health Department and many local healthcare providers have COVID-19 vaccines readily available; FCS will continue to host COVID-19 vaccination events at FCS schools or offices at appropriate times if needed.
Schools will return to their normal operating procedures for lunchtime and class bell schedules. Parents/guardians and visitors will not be allowed in our schools at this time. FCS may reassess this practice after the Labor Day holiday depending on the health and safety of students and staff at that time. Entrance will be restricted to business-essential and scheduled meetings only.
FCS will continue to invest in increased cleaning and sanitizing at all school locations and will continue to provide surface and hand sanitizer spray to classrooms, common areas, and buses.
FCS encourages families to attend the open house events that begin on Monday, August 2, 2021, to meet the outstanding educators and staff members at their child’s school and see where their classrooms will be. Parents/Visitors will not be allowed in the building to walk their students to class on the first day of school. This procedure will ensure teachers and staff stay focused on getting all children settled in and acclimated to normal school days. The open house schedule is posted online HERE. School supply lists also have been posted for all schools on the FCS website HERE.