It is once again time for the Chattooga County Literacy Council’s annual Spelling Bee. The event will be Tuesday, March 13th at 7 pm at the Chattooga Boys and Girls Club. However, this year the council is making lots of changes. “This is our 13th Bee and we want to change it up a bit, we want to make the Bee more fun and easier to compete in,” said Director Rose Kohler. This year each team will still have 3 members, we will ask each team to decorate their table and include name and logo in their decorations along with their team name. Each team gets to name themselves, in the past there has been The Buzzing Baptist Bees, The Zany Zaxby Spelling Cluckers and the DFCS Stingers. This year the literacy council would like that name to reflect sponsorship, and they also want each team to bring a cheering section with them, anything goes, cow bells, party horns, pompoms etc… they want it to be lively!!
The biggest new part is that each team will be given a white board to write the spelling of their word on instead of having to spell it out loud. Each team will be given the same word at the same time and will have 30 seconds to correctly spell it before revealing it to the judges. Each team will receive one point for each word correctly spelled and will loose a point for each word spelled incorrectly. “Stingers” if purchased extra will allow the team not to have an incorrectly spelled word deducted from their score. Each team may purchase 2 “Stingers” to be used anytime during the first two rounds. No “Stingers” will be allowed in round 3. We will have 3 rounds with the words getting progressively harder each round. The contest will begin with 8th grade spelling words in round 1 this year and go from there.
If you would like information on how to sponsor a team or be a part of a team or would just like to come out and support the Literacy Council please contact Rose Kohler at 678-640-2050 or rosared@charter.net.