The wife of a county commissioner is facing criminal charges after an incident at a budget hearing Friday morning involving a reporter.
According to an incident report by Summerville police, Abbey Winters, wife of Chattooga County Sole Commissioner Jason Winters, poured a drink on AllOnGeorgia reporter Casie Bryant as she sat at a conference table ahead of Friday’s public meeting. The drink soaked Bryant’s hair, clothing, belongings, and equipment. A witness called 911 and Summerville police responded to the Commissioner’s Office.
Present for the meeting and at the time of the incident were representatives from the local newspaper and the local radio station, WZQZ – FM 99.1 – AM 1180 Radio and four witnesses, all of whom offered statements to authorities, several of which included that Abbey Winters said twice after dumping the drink that Bryant “deserved” it.
According to the police report, news articles, and witness statements, Commissioner Winters stated after the incident that it was only an accident, but that Bryant ‘deserved’ it. After seeking legal counsel, authorities noted in the police report that Abbey Winters claimed that the whole thing was an accident and that she had tripped.
Following the investigation, police applied for warrants of Abbey Winters for simple battery and disorderly conduct and turned the matter over to the Chattooga County Sheriff’s Office.
According to the incident report, Jason and Abbey Winters went to attorney Chris Corbin’s law office following the incident where they were contacted by police regarding the warrants. Corbin is the county attorney for Chattooga County.
Story continues below.
bryant-incident-report-redactedDelvis Dutton, owner of AllOnGeorgia, said Friday:
“What happened at the budget meeting today was completely inappropriate and I’m disappointed to see not only the behavior of those involved, but the excuses made for the behavior after the fact. The media plays an integral role in ensuring transparency and these types of antics are dangerous to open government and a disservice to the people it serves.”
He also thanked the Summerville Police Department for taking the matter seriously.
AllOnGeorgia cameras were already rolling Friday when the incident occurred. You can watch the unedited video below.
As of the close of business Friday, Winters had not turned herself into the Chattooga County jail.

Nelda Smith
December 14, 2019 at 5:25 am
gerhardt austin
December 15, 2019 at 8:53 am
CAPS LOCK! That’s cruise control for “cool” amiright?
Fuck you
December 16, 2019 at 12:46 pm
No man is above the law ? The only problem is she is a woman not mannnnn…..
Larry Linn
December 16, 2019 at 1:44 pm
This is Western Georgia. I was apt to be a waste of good moonshine!
Don King
December 14, 2019 at 8:18 pm
Typical Nazi Trumptard
Sarah Edwards
December 15, 2019 at 7:56 am
Interesting. All this drama over nothing and two embedded pictures on this web page of the same half naked woman. What a joke all the way around.
Joseph Blow
December 15, 2019 at 4:51 pm
Half naked woman? Assault is “nothing?”
Embedded pictures on this web page?
If you want to see a sad joke, just look in a mirror.
I’ll bet you’re a Trumplorable.
Debra Baggett
December 16, 2019 at 10:47 am
Can I pour a sugary drink on your head? You might think differently !
If a person is so trashy and low class that they have to use coke instead of words, they are too ignorant to appear in public. I demand that both Winters and her elected husband be indicted for knowingly giving a false report to a police officer when they tried to lie out of it by saying she “tripped” and impeachment from office for Mr Winters who lied under color of office.
Then Ms Bryant needs to sue in court, and the newspaper sue for damages, also. I would like to be on that Jury, criminal or civil. I think Ms Winters needs time behind bars, this was obviously premeditated by a mean woman who thinks she is above the law. LOCK HER UP, LOCK HER UP !
Liz Carrington
December 16, 2019 at 2:35 pm
I agree completely Debra Baggett. Apparently the woman is incapable of articulating her argument so she had to resort to dumping a soda on a lady’s head. Pathetic. Even worse, the laughable ‘it was an accident’ excuse.
Rebecca Taylor
December 16, 2019 at 2:59 pm
Totally agree! This behavior is childish & pathetic.
No name
December 15, 2019 at 8:08 am
Is it really assault to throw water on someone? Wow. My sister regularly hits me, blocks me from leaving the house, rips the car keys from my hand. She’s 18 and if her alcohol goes missing she will rampage. The police did nothing when my father broke my nose or when the school reported him for sexual abuse. I am amazed the the police here were supportive.
Me too
December 16, 2019 at 11:00 am
You need to get out of there.
December 17, 2019 at 3:06 am
Yes, it is “simple assault”. Sounds like yours is criminal assault.
gerhardt austin
December 15, 2019 at 8:52 am
Lügenpresse and the liars in the media are the enemy of the people.
ray butlers
December 16, 2019 at 8:53 pm
You really are a piece of garbage.
December 15, 2019 at 9:26 am
What is a shame is the double standard law enforcement has given MSM state corporate media as apposed to independent media funded by citizens. Infowars , Andy NGO, Rebel Media, and the list goes on, have been attacked by urine filled cups, hot coffee, cups filled with concrete, fists, spit, you name it. Not a single arrest has been made. We really don’t care about MSM presstitutes. Cold Civil War has already been initiated by the globalist in the DNC and RNC, and deepstate. It is just a matter of time before it goes hot, and when it does I wouldnt trade a bucket of pi$$ for MSM employees, deepstate operatives and the globalist politicians futures.
Donna Calla
December 15, 2019 at 9:29 am
I wish when they put these headlines out there that they would also provide the backstory.
Debra Baggett
December 16, 2019 at 10:55 am
You can put it out there here and now, if you think it is important, but regardless, you can only assault someone in self defense, full stop . We wouldn’t teach our children to pour coke on someone, we would encourage them to use their words, and if necessary to go to the police or sue in court.
Debra Baggett
December 16, 2019 at 12:10 pm
Please tell me, which was it? Was she really that drunk? I have been plastered before, but only someone on meth would pull a stunt like this, what next?
Or, did she really plan this with her husband? Why would her friend swear her husband put her up to this? Not a good way to cover up an illegal honeymoon in France on the government Dole, it really just caused more focus on why and what kind of tomfoolery it takes to get a woman this worked up. Did some one forget to take their meds or fall off the wagon?
So I hope there is a grand jury somewhere deliberating on criminal charges for giving a false report to a police officer and also interference with government business because she is guilty of both
December 15, 2019 at 10:42 am
Wake up folks nationwide!
These are “Your Six Figure Wonders” running your municipal, county and state governments
“Student Government With Real Money” Your money.
Jim Hyland
December 15, 2019 at 11:03 am
Divisions, violence, intolerance are ever-increasing throughout the world, from the lowest local level to the entire globe. Could we be approaching the end of days? To learn more, check E Bible Fellowship.
December 15, 2019 at 11:06 am
Al journalists should be treated like dogs. They behave as such and have assisted in destroying public discourse. It should be legal and encouraged to treat journalists like subhumans. Media members are not worth the air they breath.
Jack Klompus
December 16, 2019 at 12:59 pm
Nice try troll.
D.marie Ayala
December 16, 2019 at 8:52 pm
Do you realize these journalists are doing their job and are human?
I do believe you probably treat all people like subhumans if they say or do something you just don’t like. Sad.
December 15, 2019 at 11:45 am
Garbage from a #=MeMoo reporter. Can you imagine the number of lawsuits if all the women who tossed a drink in a man’s face were arrested. Besides, the reporter seems to have deserved it. Freedom dow not mean they have freedom of the press to verbally assault their targets. Put me on the jury. I’ll not only vote for acquittal, I’ll vote for the defendant to get costs and damages.
Sergio Valentino
December 16, 2019 at 2:33 pm
You’re an ASS !!!!!! No one deserve to be treated that way ! All she needed to do is walk out the meeting or have the reporter escorted out the office, and all this could’ve been prevented.
December 20, 2019 at 1:16 pm
jabusse = Trumptard. You stand in opposition to everything America is supposed to be.
December 15, 2019 at 11:47 am
Garbage from a #=MeMoo reporter. Can you imagine the number of lawsuits if all the women who tossed a drink in a man’s face were arrested. Besides, the reporter seems to have deserved it. Freedom does not mean they have freedom of the press to verbally assault their targets. Put me on the jury. I’ll not only vote for acquittal, I’ll vote for the defendant to get costs and damages.
December 15, 2019 at 12:11 pm
oops, I tripped?
December 16, 2019 at 10:09 am
It is tragic to see the replies condemning a journalist for doing her job. Those present in the room obviously stated she did not deserve it..and it saddens me that the “Freedom of the Press” is something that is mocked and ridiculed and now is under attack.
Please take a moment and realize how important it is that local, state, national and corporate entities are reported on and often lauded or held in check by the press.
And to commenters like “hi” and “jabusse”.. please educate yourselves on what has transpired before posting such idiotic perspectives.
December 16, 2019 at 11:03 am
I read about this on a news outlet and ended up here on your local newspaper website from Montana. I’m a pretty conservative 57 year old man but what I gather from this incident and even more so from the comments is that it seems most people in Georgia have lost their courtesy, manners and sense of decorum if they think assaulting in an attempt to humiliate a political opponent, let alone a reporter, in a public forum is excusable.
December 16, 2019 at 12:00 pm
Well, your story has indeed spread nationwide. In Illinois this is assault just as it is there. If you watch the video the commissioner is “in on it”. Constantly watching the door, waiting for his wife’s signal that she is coming in. He then picks up a paper on the table and distracts those present so she can “accidentally” assault the reporter. If the Commissioner and his wife have nothing to hide, address the issue at the beginning of the meeting so that it will be on the record and move on. Simple as that.
President Trump has awakened an old, ugly section of our society that is best left alone. Our Democracy must be able to move forward, progress and evolve. We cannot remain racist, homophobic, uncaring and unwilling to accept others. We must be an inclusive Nation today as we have been in the past. If three are those who want to fight this idea then they will feel the wrath of the Nation as a whole. If a Cold Civil War is on the horizon, I am ready. I will not surrender my Nation to those who would hurt and harm others. In case you are wondering, I voted for Trump but I have learned a valuable lesson. Vote your conscience and don’t get swept up in hatred. I knew I should have voted for Clinton, she would have made a fine First Woman President. Another thing I have learned is that our Nation is being run by far too many men. Much of the time they cannot see the plain honest truth. Our House of Representatives and Senate is disproportionally male. Not a true reflection of our Country. I couldn’t help thinking while watching the Impeachment trials that I’d never seen a larger group of castrated chickens (roosters?).
December 17, 2019 at 4:54 am
Unfortunately, if anything you are thinking is actually true, then this report was obviously harassing the commissioner over and over for some time. People believe reporters are “getting the truth”,, but in reality they are hungry for the “next big story”. They rarely care for the individuals they are trying to expose, instead they care about the cause, which transforms them into careless stream rollers. I personally believe that reporters should be brought up on harassment charges, but I guess the first amendment protects this type of harassment. Should the commissioner’s wife purposefully spilled soda on this report? Absolutely not. Should reporters have the right to harass people based off their gut or opinion? Absolutely not. The press are broken and their rights need to be decreased to prevent slander and stick to facts, not fiction.
December 17, 2019 at 10:53 pm
Integrity equals transparency. No one who is doing the right thing will ever worry about any news story. I mentioned in my comment that the Commissioner should have included the item concerning his trip into the minutes of this meeting. He can have the facts and his comments written into the minutes. If he truly is being transparent and there are untruths circulating about him, then he can address them. I am assuming he is a paid employee of the City/County? As such, he should not feel upset about others wanting “checks and balances” or simple explanations. Most people are reasonable.
December 21, 2019 at 12:12 am
I’ve read multiple reports of this and I didn’t see anything, anywhere that indicated the reporter may have been harassing the commissioner. I’ve read that most witnesses in the room (except the commissioner and his wife) said the reporter did NOT deserve it. I’ve seen the quotes from Facebook that supposedly triggered the situation and they don’t indicate that the reporter was doing anything but her job. Yes, it’s possible that the reporter IS harassing them behind the scenes. But the available FACTS don’t support that. It’s not FACTUAL that the reporter was “obviously harassing” the commissioner and that blows my mind that someone would ASSUME that when presented with multiple stories that spell out that there is no evidence of that…none. But, even if there were, the commissioner and his wife have other recourse – legal, mature, responsible recourse. I think that the only thing that someone “brought on themselves” (as the commissioner states) is his future loss of this elected position. As others have pointed out, his wife dumped the drink. He definitely should married someone with more common sense. But then, he should have also had the common sense to keep his own mouth shut about how it felt about it.
John Palmer
December 16, 2019 at 12:06 pm
Her husband should be kicked out of politics based on the actions of his lame excuse of a wife.
December 16, 2019 at 12:53 pm
Just look: so much for Georgia being a modern state. Read these comments: No Russian troll on a backwater Ga website….that is real deal homegrown love for humans right there. What would Jesus say?
Andrew Hollins
December 16, 2019 at 1:11 pm
Ms. Bryant,
I’m also an investigative reporter in a small, southern town.
I’ve been cursed, slandered, and similar “accidents”, deserved or otherwise.
I think you should take this as a compliment. If telling the truth about someone paints them in a certain light, or disturbs them enough that they revert to their base functions of pettiness and spite, then it means you’re doing your job, and doing it well.
Let’em have it.
Andrew Hollins
Investigative Reporter, The Central Virginian
shawn lindsey
December 16, 2019 at 2:17 pm
The “Press” can invade your privacy, violate your civil rights and pretty much do what ever the hell they want and if you don’t like it or file a case against them YOU are the bad guy.I don’t have the right to know what anybody else does in the privacy of their own homes. They don’t either!
December 16, 2019 at 3:55 pm
Shawn Lindsey, if you pay taxes you have every right to know if your taxes are being spent on a public figure’s vacations. The press’s job is literally to hold those in power accountable for their actions, investigate malfeasance and report on politicians’ wrongdoings. Our forefathers were so dedicated to the idea of governmental accountability and transparency that they literally wrote journalistic freedom into the Constitution of the United States. Don’t like it? Then leave. They’d love you over in Russia.
December 16, 2019 at 4:30 pm
makes you wonder what the commisioner and the reporter had going on on the side…hmmmm
Debra Baggett
December 16, 2019 at 6:17 pm
I should say Mrs Winters may well wish to avoid all concerts and football games in the future, you never know who might see her out and be so stunned that they trip and accidentally dump a drink on her head. Some might figure it was worth “a charge“, you know how these young YouTubers are. Mrs Winters sure got her poultry little 15 minutes of fame, but with all this publicity, she might find herself in a lifelong nightmare. She may have meant to humiliate Ms Bryant but far from it. Ms Bryant rose above it, it’s called dignity and integrity, but it seems Ms Winters would not really be aware of that.
What gets me is the big conflict of interest with the lawyer. I mean Ms Winters is not an elected official and definitely needs to pay her own legal bills, NOT the taxpayers and if that lawyer already represents the city/county then he needs to be discharged immediately. He stood by and covered a lie when they met with him and then came out saying she tripped, right buddy ! ? ! I guess the thought of the event being recorded wasn’t considered? Who will contact the Georgia Bar Association ? A conflict of interest if I have ever seen one. I repeat, this was interference with a governmental function, it was illegal. As well as petty. Mr and Mrs Winters, you deserve each other. And you also deserve a jail cell.
Jed Clampett
December 16, 2019 at 6:33 pm
Who says there are no more hillbillies? Tarnation, Jethro, that cow is one!
Cecile Wehrman
December 16, 2019 at 9:25 pm
I have been a reporter for 30 years and this story literally brings me to tears. I can only imagine how the reporter must feel being attacked for doing her job. People all over the country need to realize the havoc being wreaked when the president calls the press “the enemy.” The public needs to stand in solidarity with the press. Why would anyone want to be a reporter in this climate? What kind of news will you have in your community when only the people the commissioner’s wife likes do the reporting? Write letters to the editor! Subscribe to local news outlets! Support the press!
December 17, 2019 at 12:31 am
December 17, 2019 at 10:58 pm
I stand with you.
December 17, 2019 at 12:30 am
Having read about this from Houston, it was alarming to hear that this town had one man in charge of making decisions for the town. It’s no wonder his awful wife thinks she can do whatever she wants. Seems to me there should be no fewer than three people in charge of any kind of government, no matter how small the town.
Dharma Gregson
December 17, 2019 at 5:33 am
Abbey Winters is a common criminal. I’m certain she has never had to face the consequences of her actions, not once in her entire pathetic life. This behavior makes me wonder if those rumors about her husband really are true. There should be an audit of county funds. I also want the police to release a real mug shot with her holding her booking number.
December 17, 2019 at 10:08 am
How is it not a conflict of interest for the county attorney to also represent Abbey Winters?
Also, she is a registered nurse – is this how she treats patients? Clients? I wouldn’t want her anywhere near me or a family member after this display.
December 17, 2019 at 11:25 am
It is amazing people are getting so het up over a soft drink poured on a head. My understanding is the reporter wanted answers how did they pay for their honeymoon in Paris? While the reporter has the right to ask the question the real question is why? In our hyper confrontational environment does she think it’s appropriate to ask a question like that? It’s actually insulting I would think a woman would think about that attacking some one back from one of the most significant vacation a person will ever have. Records can show that she simply could have asked for budget expenditures over the previous six months and looked for irregularities and ask the budget control people to explain instead of hurling accusation. I can see why the woman did it not agreeing but I think the reporter was over the tips of her skis on this one. I think for full effect she should have slapped her in the face and threw 1500 dollars on the ground and walked off.
December 21, 2019 at 12:23 am
The reporter was following up on multiple tips that she had received that their was inappropriate financial actions. In short, she was doing her job. I’ve read multiple reports of this and I didn’t see anything, anywhere that indicated the reporter may have been harassing the commissioner. I’ve read that most witnesses in the room (except the commissioner and his wife) said the reporter did NOT deserve it. I’ve seen the quotes from Facebook that supposedly triggered the situation and they don’t indicate that the reporter was doing anything but her job. Yes, it’s possible that the reporter IS harassing them behind the scenes. But the available FACTS don’t support that. It’s not FACTUAL that the reporter was “obviously harassing” the commissioner and that blows my mind that someone would ASSUME that when presented with multiple stories that spell out that there is no evidence of that…none. But, even if there were, the commissioner and his wife have other recourse – legal, mature, responsible recourse. I think that the only thing that someone “brought on themselves” (as the commissioner states) is his future loss of this elected position. As others have pointed out, though his wife dumped the drink. He definitely should have married someone with more common sense. But then, he should have also had the common sense to keep his own mouth shut about how it felt about it. And recommending that someone slap someone for doing their job and throw $1500 at them… SMH. This is going to cost the commissioner and his wife way more than that.
December 17, 2019 at 9:27 pm
Wow, it’s not often that I find myself at a loss for words. If you decide to involve yourself into politics then you need to prepare yourself for the opinions of others. If you can’t handle that without resorting to harassment, violence etc then you have no business in public office, and you have no business living freely in a democratic society.
If I lived anywhere near them I would do everything in my power to make sure that the rest of their lives were as difficult as possible. I have never seen anything so disgraceful.
Tu Phat
December 18, 2019 at 5:08 pm
DA needs to add additional FELONY charge of false statement to police officer. O.C.G.A. §16-10-20. Conviction
= one to five years in prison, or a fine of $1,000, or both.
December 21, 2019 at 12:24 am
That mugshot photo is going to come back to haunt her.
December 21, 2019 at 12:25 am
She just looks like a horrible, nasty person. He can kiss his political career goodbye.