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Chattooga Local Government

How to appeal your tax assessment

AllOnGeorgia reached out to Chattooga County’s Chief Appraiser, Nancy Edgeman, to find out the steps property owners must take to appeal the recent property assessments.

Georgia Auto Brokers

Appeal forms can be printed online at county under forms. Once the form is completed it can be hand delivered to the assessors office, emailed to, or mailed to the office at 120 Cox Street,  Suite A, Summerville GA 30747.

AOG: Will you explain each of these options and when the owner would use them?

EDGEMAN: Property / Appeal Type

Real Property—Consists of the interests, benefits, and rights inherent in the ownership of land plus anything permanently attached to the land or legally defined as immovable; the bundle of rights with which ownership of real estate is endowed. To the extent that “real estate” commonly includes land and any permanent improvements, the two terms can be understood to have the same meaning. Also called “realty.”

Personal Property—Consists of every type of property that is not real property. Personal property is movable without damage to itself or the real estate and is subdivided into tangible and intangible (you would check personal if it is commercial property).

                Motor Vehicle – Disagree with vehicle value.

                Manufactured Home – Appeal of manufactured homes (January 1st – April 1st).

Grounds for appeal

Value – If you disagree with the value.

               Uniformity—The equality of the burden of taxation in the method of assessment.

Taxability – Being taxed on something that is not on the property.

Exemption denied – If you were denied a homestead exemption.

Breach of Covenant – Failure to maintain qualifications of original covenant.

Denial of Covenant – Being denied a covenant.


AOG: What is the timeframe for the appeal? If the appeal is denied what steps can the property owner take next?

EDGEMAN: The deadline for filing an appeal is August 21, 2023. 

AOG: Are the board members listed on the website current? What is the length remaining for each member?


Below is the expiration for Board members. All were appointed by Sole Commissioner Jason Winters and have since been reappointed by Sole Commissioner Blake Elsberry, with the exception of Andrew Johnson. He was recently appointed by Elsberry.

Doug Wilson – 12/18/2025

John Bailey – 9/30/2028

Betty Brady – 3/8/2027

Jack Brewer – 3/31/2026

Andrew Johnson – 10/31/2027


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