Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene introduced two pieces of legislation to fight back against the authoritarian COVID dictates of Democrat politicians, DC bureaucrats, and Corporate Communists.
The “Fire Fauci Act” will slash the salary of Dr. Always Wrong to $0 and the “We Will Not Comply Act” will ban vaccine “passports,” prevent discrimination against the unvaccinated, and much more to protect the freedom of the American People.
Fire Fauci Act will:
- Remind the American public that Dr. Fauci is the highest paid ($434,312) of all 4 million federal employees, including the President.
- Cite numerous findings about Dr. Fauci’s evolving and contradictory advice on COVID-19.
- Reduce Dr. Fauci’s salary to $0 until a new NIAID Administrator is confirmed by the Senate.
- Direct GAO to conduct a study about the correspondence, financials, and policy memos inside the NIAID before COVID through the end of this year. This will allow us to see what Fauci and the NIAID knew, when they knew it, what they spent money on, and how the agency responded to the virus.
We Will Not Comply Act will:
- Prevent any business engaged in interstate commerce from discriminating against a person based on their COVID-19 vaccine status (addressing the recent vaccine passports).
- Cut off federal funding for a vaccine mandate on employees (including federal employees), students attending primary, secondary, and post-secondary schools, organizations, or sports, and any person who expresses a religious objection.
- Create the ability to sue if a person has been discriminated against on the basis of their vaccination status or mask compliance.
- Prevent the government from requiring a COVID-19 vaccine to receive a U.S. passport.
- Prevent Airline companies from denying someone from flying based on their COVID-19 vaccination status.
- Prevent students from being denied access to a public college based on their COVID-19 vaccination status.
- Express to the U.S. Senate that Jacobson v. Massachusetts should be overturned. This case set a terrible precedent that endorses mandatory state vaccination laws under the “police power.”