At the April Chattooga County Board of Education meeting Chairman John Agnew proposed limitations and changes to the public participation policy.
Agnew proposed limiting each participant to three minutes that’s in contrast to the current five minutes allowed. Agnew also proposed a total time cap of 30 minutes for all speakers, saying, “if the number of participants indicates that public participation could take longer than 30 minutes, the board reserves the option of shortening the time for each participant or rescheduling some of the public participation for the next meeting.”
Read the proposed Public Participation in Board Meetings below:
The proposed changes are now open for public comment until the next meeting scheduled for May 16th. If you wish to address the board regarding the proposed changes to public policy there are a few different options. You can write a letter addressed to to the CCBOE and drop it off at the county office and Interim Superintendent Jared Hosmer can deliver it to the Board Members. Or you can email the Board Members directly.
Emails for Board Members:
However, if you choose this option please cc Mr. Hosmer in the email to ensure he has a copy. Or, you can email Mr. Hosmer directly and he can get it to the Board Members. No matter which option you choose, the county office says to make certain that Mr. Hosmer has a record of the public’s input on file. The address at the County Office is 33 Middle School Road, Summerville, GA 30747. Mr. Hosmer’s email is jhosmer@chattooga.k12.ga.us
The proposed changes will be back on May’s agenda for final approval.