Bulloch Local News
/ 6 years agoEvans County Judge Arrested in Statesboro
A longtime attorney and judge in Evans County was arrested over Labor Day weekend by Statesboro Police.
Georgia Politics
/ 6 years agoMajority of Bryan Co. Funds for Victims Again Promised to District Attorney’s Office
Though the vocal opposition in recent weeks and months has been substantial, the appointed committee charged with allocating Bryan County’s percentage...
Chattooga Local Government
/ 6 years agoDennis enters City Council Race
Summerville resident Kristy Dennis has qualified for the Summerville City Council Seat Three, the seat currently held by Earl H. Parris,...
Candler Local News
/ 6 years agoUpdates to City Policy Could Negatively Impact Current Claxton Employees
A proposed change to the City of Claxton’s Personnel Policy could negatively impact current employees who have accrued a substantial amount...
Catoosa Local Government
/ 6 years agoCatoosa Commissioners Considering Restricting Public Input at Meetings
The Catoosa County Board of Commissioners is set to consider an amendment to the commission meeting rules and procedures at the...
Georgia Politics
/ 6 years agoLocal Govs in Evans, Screven Quick to Censor Public Comment Despite Constitutional Protections
Local government meetings are supposed to be a forum where citizens can observe official business of governing bodies, petition for reprieve,...
Bulloch Local Government
/ 6 years agoUse of Bryan Co. Tax Dollars to Prop Up Private Nonprofit Violates State Constitution
Bryan County has been funneling tax dollars to a nonprofit organization for at least seven years - a clear violation of...
Georgia News
/ 6 years agoFACT Check: Atlantic Judicial Circuit DA Struggles to Justify Funding Meant for Victims
Like the other presenters, the DA’s office was questioned by committee members with regard to their current funding and services. A...
Bulloch Opinions
/ 6 years agoCOLUMN: Screven County Has a Problem
Jessica Szilagyi says that Screven County has a transparency problem. In her opinion piece, she says the county is failing to...
Local Gov't Around GA
/ 6 years agoAppointment of Interim Tattnall Tax Commissioner Not Compliant with State Law
Tattnall County Commissioners celebrated the upcoming retirement of Tax Commissioner Dale Dutton at their August meeting held Monday, presenting him with...