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Bulloch Schools

State recognizes Bulloch schools for performance

Congrats to these schools!

According to the state, its Beating the Odds list is a result of a statistical analysis that compares a school’s actual performance on the College and Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI) with the performance of schools with similar characteristics across the state. Schools that perform higher than similar schools are considered to be beating the odds.


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Schools that are beating the odds may still have low CCRPI scores and academic gaps in the performance of its students.

Beating the Odds results are used for accountability in charter school, charter system, and Strategic Waivers School System contracts between school districts and the State of Georgia.

Strategic Waivers School Systems

Public schools in Georgia are either a charter school, a system of charter schools, or a Strategic Waivers School System (SWSS). State law (OCGA §20-2-84.3) required all Georgia school systems to notify the Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE) by July 15, 2015, under which type of education flexibility model they would operate.  More than 90 percent of school districts in Georgia are strategic waivers school systems.

Bulloch County Schools is a SWSS. The State Board of Education approved Bulloch County Schools’ SWSS Application on February 18, 2016.​ ​According to the Governor’s Office of Student Achievement (GOSA), “SWSS contracts provide local school districts with greater governance flexibility as a means to increase student achievement. Local boards of education can enter into multi-year contracts with the State Board of Education based on strategic plans developed in partnership with the Georgia Department of Education and GOSA. Such plans must identify specific school-level student achievement goals that are in addition to current federal accountability requirements. GOSA sets College & Career Readiness Performance Index (CCRPI) target scores for SWSS schools and monitors which schools have met their annual targets.” For more information about school accountability in regards to SWSS contracts, visit GOSA’s website.

2019 Single Statewide Accountability System Award Schools

Greatest Gains and Highest Performing Awards

Julia P. Bryant Elementary School has received recognition from Governor Brian P. Kemp and the Governor’s Office of Student Achievement (GOSA) as a Silver Award recipient for Greatest Gains in student achievement.  The state announced its Single Statewide Accountability System winners in the Greatest Gains and Highest Performing categories on December 18.  Julia P. Bryant is one of only 130 public and charter schools in the state to receive a Greatest Gains award.  The school will receive a banner and certificate from the state to display at the school.

These awards were developed by the Governor’s Office of Student Achievement and approved by the State Board of Education. Highest Performing schools must earn a three-year average College and Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI) Content Mastery Score that ranks in at least the 93rd percentile. Greatest Gains schools must earn a three-year average CCRPI Progress Score that ranks in at least the 93rd percentile. Each award category has four tiers: Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze.  GOSA used CCRPI data from the 2016-2017, 2017-2018, and 2018-2019 school years to determine the awards. These awards are conducted in compliance with state law, O.C.G.A 20-14-37, and State Board Rule 160-7-1-.01.

Sallie Zetterower Elementary recognized as a Reward School

Sallie Z is one of the most-improved Title I schools in Georgia

The Georgia Department of Education designated Sallie Zetterower Elementary School as a Reward School for 2019-2020 due to the school’s significant improvement on the College & Career Readiness Performance Index (CCRPI). The school’s overall CCRPI score rose from 67.9 in 2018 to 85.0 in 2019, which is the highest score of the district’s nine elementary schools and the highest of its 15 schools.

When ranked according to their rate of CCRPI single score improvement to 100 from the previous year to the current year, Reward Schools are among the greatest improving schools that represent the top five percent of all Title I Schools statewide. Reward Schools must also demonstrate that they have maintained positive performance levels of their student subgroups: economically disadvantaged, students with disabilities, and English learners.

Five schools achieve Beating the Odds recognition

Schools perform higher than similar schools across state

On December 19, the Governor’s Office of Student Achievement released its Beating the Odds Schools list, which included five schools in Bulloch County: Julia P. Bryant Elementary, Nevils Elementary, Sallie Zetterower Elementary, Stilson Elementary, and William James Middle.


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