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Ogeechee Tech’s Creative Expansion Of Career Fair A Success

Source: OTC

Ogeechee Technical College’s career fair last week was successful in connecting students and employers. The fair was expanded to three days this year to minimize crowds due to social distancing. 


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Local employers build relationships with OTC students over a week-long career fair held during April 5-7 at Ogeechee Technical College.

Cindy Phillips, OTC Director for Career Placement and Student Support Services, explained that due to social distancing constraints this year’s career fair was expanded to a week-long event to strategically maximize conversation opportunities while minimizing contact.

“Our career fairs are one of our biggest opportunities to connect our students to local employers and help them build relationships that may lead to future career opportunities,” she said. “Dividing our career fair into three separate days helped to minimize congestion and in-turn afforded students more one-on-one time with employers in areas of interest.”

Companies like Briggs & Stratton use these career fairs as an opportunity to continue conversations that begin with program instructors.

“Being able to attend the Industrial Careers day during career fair week gave us a wonderful opportunity to network and talk with OTC students interested in our field,” said Denise Batton an HR Generalist at Briggs & Stratton. “We have very good relationships with instructors at OTC and often communicate with them regarding the positions we have available and the skills that we are looking for – the career fair helps us connect the dots with the students who may be able to fill those positions.”

Each of the three days of the career fair was targeted toward a different audience; industrial careers; medical and early childhood; and careers in fish & wildlife, business, criminal justice, and cosmetology. 22 employers were in attendance and the event attracted more than 70 students over the course of the three days.

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