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GSU elected to serve as home institution to Georgia Association of Historians

The Georgia Association of Historians’ board recently voted to elect Georgia Southern University as their home institution.


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According to GSU, the group, which serves as a statewide professional organization for the study of history, encourages and promotes historical research, preservation, record keeping, publication and high standards in the teaching of history. Georgia Southern University’s associate professor of history, Lisa L. Denmark, Ph.D. is the Executive Secretary-Treasurer for The Georgia Association of Historians.

From GSU’s  website: Members of the society pursue a variety of historical interests, including United States history, public history, European history, Middle Eastern history and Latin American history, among others. Annual meetings, held since 1974, are the primary venue of face-to-face communication between members. The GAH publishes the Journal of the Georgia Association of Historians, a peer-reviewed publication open to all historians in the state as well as all participants at the association’s annual conference.

You can visit The Georgia Association of Historians’ website HERE.

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