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Bulloch County Schools to host virtual summer school for course recovery

Bulloch County Schools will host a free, virtual summer school session for high school students through its Graduation Performance Academy.

Bulloch County Schools will host a free, virtual summer school session for high school students through its Graduation Performance Academy.

Who is eligible?


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Students who just completed grades 9-12, and who need course recovery options to remain on track to graduate are eligible to attend. Rising ninth-grade students are not eligible. This summer the school district will not offer summer school for students who want to get ahead on course credits.  It is only for students who need course recovery.

What is offered?

A free, virtual summer school session for grades 9-12 to recover course credits.

When is it offered?

The summer school session will run May 26 – July 10. Students may work at their own schedule and pace to recover course credits in less time, but all work must be completed by July 10.

Where is it offered?

The school district will offer the courses online only via the school district’s Edgenuity program (E-2020).

How is it offered?

Students who are interested in recovering course credits during the summer session, should contact their high school counselor immediately to confirm the classes they need to recover and to register to attend the summer session. There is no limit on the number of students who can participate. If you are unable to email your counselor, contact your high school’s main office for assistance.

What about technology needs?

Students should let their school counselor or school office know if he or she does not have a computer or Internet at home.  Students can check out a Chromebook from their high school, and the school district can provide information about options for Internet access.

What support is available from teachers?

A group of certified teachers will work for the school district’s Graduation Performance Academy this summer. They will have office hours at the William James Educational Complex in the morning and in the afternoon, and they are available to provide academic support to students for their courses via the students’ G-mail accounts and Google Meet.

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