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Amid Spike in COVID-19 Cases, EGRMC Halts Visitors

Community members should take this very seriously and do their part in helping slow the spread of COVID-19.

From East Georgia Regional Medical Center – Thursday, July 2, 2020


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EGRMC is currently treating 15 COVID-19 positive patients today, which is the largest number they have seen thus far. 7 of those patients are on ventilators, and these patients are high acuity (very sick) patients. Stephen Pennington, CEO of East Georgia Regional Medical Center, urges our community to take heed to what our county EMA is instructing. Community members should take this very seriously and do their part in helping slow the spread of COVID-19. Avoid crowds whenever possible, social distance yourself from others, always wear a mask or face covering when in public, and be vigilant about hand washing and sanitizing.

Also, effective Friday, July 3, 2020, visitors are no longer allowed at East Georgia Regional Medical Center. Due to a large increase in positive Coronavirus cases in our county, East Georgia Regional Medical Center has implemented further visitor restrictions to ensure the health and safety of our patients, their families, and our staff.

  • Visitors are no longer allowed.
  •  Exceptions:
    • Maternity/Women’s Pavilion patients: One (1) support person may accompany the patient
    • “End of life” situations
    • Individuals with a significant disability are limited to one (1) support person
    • Pediatric/Minor patients (< 18 years old) may have one (1) visitor but this is limited to only parents or guardians
    • No visitors for confirmed or suspected COVID-19 cases

Screening upon Entry

  • Anyone entering the hospital will continue to be screened for symptoms, have their temperature checked, and screened for travel or exposure history.
  • You will be asked to not enter the facility if you have had symptoms in the past 24 hours or exposures in the last 14 days.

Thank you for your cooperation as we work to protect the health and safety of our patients, staff, and visitors.

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