At 1:00 PM Wednesday, the Bulloch County Board of Elections and Registration held an special called meeting for the purpose of declaring and authorizing an emergency relocation of a local polling place for the Georgia run-off election scheduled for Tuesday, January 5, 2021.
The reason for the relocation is because of the unavailability of a Poll Manager and an Assistant Poll Manager due to COVID-19 concerns. This situation has rendered the Kiwanis Club Community Building, 16942 State Route 67, approximately 0.25 miles south of the Statesboro City Limits, as unavailable to use as a polling place for next Tuesday’s election as planned. The temporary emergency precinct has been relocated to the Pittman Park Methodist Church in the City of Statesboro, 1102 Fair Road, a/k/a State Route 67, approximately 2.4 miles due north of the Kiwanis Community Building.
Every effort will be made to extend public notice through next Tuesday, including but not limited to continued media releases, physical signage at the Kiwanis location, and staff on hand at the Kiwanis location to inform voters on Election Day.