If you want to avoid standing in a long line on Election Day you had better hurry.
Advance voting ends on Friday, May 18. So grab your picture ID and head for the City Service Center right off Macon Road in Columbus.
Muscogee County voters can cast an early ballot in the Community Room at 3111 Citizens Way on the first floor between the hours of 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
Registered voters will vote at their regular neighborhood polling places on Tuesday, May 22 from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Advance voting is held at the City Service Center, 3111 Citizens Way, Columbus Ga.31906
Danny Arencibia
Zeph Baker
Beth Harris
Berry “Skip” Henderson
Charles Roberts
Winfred Shipman Jr.
District 1
Jerry “Pops” Barnes (i)
Gregory Blue
District 3
Bruce Huff (i)
Juanita Upshaw
District 5
Charmaine Crabb
District 7
Siavosh Etemadi
Jeremy Hobbs
Evelyn “Mimi” Woodson (i)
District 9 At-Large
Regina Liparoto
Judy Thomas (i)
District 10 At-Large
Amy Askew Bryan
John House
Tollie Strode Jr.
District 2
Mike Edmondson
Cheryl McCraine
John “Bart” Steed
District 4
Naomi Buckner (i)
Toyia Tucker
District 6
Mark Cantrell (i)
Eddie Obleton
Robert Roth (W)
District 8
Frank Myers (i)
Dr. Philip Schley
Kia Chambers (i)
Tony McCool
(i) Incumbent (w) Withdrew