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Georgia Politics

Political Ads Dominating Airwaves in Georgia

As David Perdue and Jon Ossoff vy for one seat, 21 individuals are seeking the seat currently held by Senator Kelly Loeffler. 

With less than 100 days until the November election and two U.S. Senate seats on the ballot, nothing is more crowded than Georgia airwaves.

Pro Roof GA

As David Perdue and Jon Ossoff vy for one seat, 21 individuals are seeking the seat currently held by Senator Kelly Loeffler.

Here are just a few of the commercials running across the state.

Perdue’s Patriot

Loeffler’s attack on Doug Collins’ criminal defense attorney history:

Perdue’s Justice:

Ossof’s We Investigate:

Club for Growth Ad “Swamp”

Perdue’s Drugs:

American Bridge PAC ‘Lock Her Up’

Perdue’s Freedom:

National Republican Senatorial Committee: Ossoff: “A resume so fake only Hollywood could write it, policies so extreme only Hollywood would want them.”

National Republican Senatorial Committee: Hollywood’s buying in big on Ossoff

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Cody DE Sims

    August 7, 2020 at 11:41 am

    Honestly, the attack ads on Osoff, are having the opposite from their intended effect for me.

    I did not know who the guy was and did not care, but the attack ads have highlighted that he believes in universal health care and the green new deal, plus he has hollywood connrctions and will probably keep the film industry incentives going here in Ga, which is good for our economy… So… now I’m all for the guy.

    I didn’t have any interest before, but I have seen these ads like 5 times a day now for like a month. They’ve just made me aware that apparently there IS a candidate out there in Georgia who nomatter what else he stands for, at least hits enough selling points to get my vote.

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